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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Sunday 7 April 2013, 03:20
Code to Life


In this story,

CL, Gdragon, TOP, BOM will be the main characters. They were all born trained to be filthy rich. They work with style but all four of them wanted to be clean & rich now. The four of them wanted to stop working at the dirty inner company of Seoul and doing Bad jobs and pursue their dreams. CL wants to become a STAR and GD wanted to become a World Renowned Musician. While TOP & BOM just want to become a Scientist/Doctor. So one of the dirty job Boss said, "if you really want to quit and earn money to restore your life, i have one last job for you.And that Job is to go to Hungary and Find the culprit who had kidnapped my daughter and take my daughter back alive and if you don't finish that mission,within a year. Be prepared to work for your whole life top group of Geonation ."

So they accepted the JOBS. In this story we'll know how they do their Job and will they get to pursue their Dreams?

Chaerin Lee also known as CL , The Braniac.. Fierce, Beautiful, Talented and a Smart lady. The Planner of the groups formation and fast at doing work. Brains before actions is her way of working. The top female worker of Geonation.

Kwon Jiyong Also known as Gdragon because of his Classy style, The leader of this  group. Skilled investigator, fast pro-filer that can look through the character of his enemy. talented but a playful guy. The leader of the Top Group in Geonation as well as the Top male worker.

Park Bom also known as Bom the great scientist. She has a bubbly personality, A very appealing person who is always the Bait of the group to lure enemies. Smart, and a fast worker. A talented person who always create the medicine out of organics and natural things she see's to cure her group members at once. . A caring person especially towards T.O.P

Choi Seunghyun also known as T.O.P, the great engineer. He always lighten up the group with his bubbly & hilarious personality. A good actor and the best person to find new technology from. He creates amazing things with science and technology. This charismatic man is popular among-st the girls but his heart only have Park Bom.

Base on Love.

T.O.P and BOM has secret feelings for each other but didn't confess and always kept their feelings towards each other. Will they be together at the end?

CL and GD this two are potential couples. But they only focus on Jobs and earn money. They don't really have feelings for each other until one day.


Geonation is a company alot of potential spies go to if they have been rejected from National Seoul Security. A very unknown approach from Geonation and you work for them. This company kills those that are on their way for big money. For example, American top security or unknown security to the public to send out the big money to Seoul or other countries without the public knowing incase of traitors and terrorism , so the security will the disguise as other persons or act normal but still go on high class trips as well as they are protected with many TOP security in America. 

But Geonation's Groups of spies/dirty job workers are really unknown to anybody. Their rules are simple, if you get caught while doing Jobs, don't mention Geonation or their whole family from top to bottom will be Killed and burried in the volcanoes while they're in jail. So this workers of Geonation will Research and immediately know that America's Big Banks are to send BIG MONEY or anything that has to do with Big money, it is an all out kill for Geonation. The way they search is simple, Geonation is located at all the big countries and other countries work for alot of things. 

CL GD T.O.P & BOM aka B2NG(their group code) are the top group of all the Geonation companies in the world, Skilled to the max. Envied by many. They too are protected by other top groups of Geonation incase of new groups decide to kill them for the TOP position.

In this stories we start with their past and how they joined Geonation , how they met and them doing Jobs also their love life will be told. Might have a part 2 too ^^ STAYTUNED for CODE TO LIFE

thank you

with love