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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Wednesday 27 March 2013, 23:36
Secret Love Final Chapter "TWENTY"


Junhyung then kneeled to the ground and gave her the rose he bought , as well as the ring he kept for Jiyeon.

"Saranghaeyo, Park Jiyeon."

"Nado saranghaeyo, Yong Junhyung."

The both of then hugged each other on stage and finally had their first kiss on a stage full of people feeling so happy for them, some fans were there, and B2ST and Hara, Cheered for this couple who is going to officially marry each other.

-The night in their individual hotels...

Yoseob sneaked out and took a walk to the beach of Jeju...

Yoseob pov:

What is this feeling? Why are my tears flowing........ *He stopped and cried so so so much.....It rained so heavy that night*

He screamed to the top of his voice "PARK JIYEOOOONNNNNNNNNN" then someone hugged him from the back


Yoseob turned to his back with his red eyes...



"I'm sorry......" Jiyeon broke down

"Jiyeon......... i love you.... but i havent be able to say it... Because only Junhyung deserves you...... i---"

"Shh...... Don't make me feel bad.... Don't make me feel i was wrong......"

Yoseob cried and cried

"i wish you and Junhyung lead a happy life and last forever... Saranghaeyo... Park Jiyeon......." He left from where jiyeon was..

Jiyeon's Pov:

Why was i blind.... why didn't i think of his feelings... I can't believe i hurt someone ... i hurt my own..... Bestfriend....... Yoseob....... 

Jiyeon cried in the rain and sat there alone and crumpled herself...... but Yoseob came back "Jiyeonie... Go back to the hotel..." He put his jacket around her.... And sent her to her room

"Jiyeon ah.. bathe in hot water okay... don't get sick otherwise Junhyung will get worried... Ne?"

Jiyeon hugged him

"Yoseob........ Promise me you will lead a happy life after i'am married.. I'm pretty sure you will find other girls that deserves you. Unlike me...."

"Babo...... I will only wait for you... Even if it is a 1000Years without rain..."

"Yoseob........ i am getting married....... I don't want you to get hurt....."

"Ani... I'am happy you are getting married to Junhyung... Jiyeon ah i wanna go back now... Take care. Jalga..." He messed up her head with his hands and left her with a Fake Smile....

Although that he cried and cried... He went back to his room and wake Junhyung up...



"Hyung... wake up"

"What do you need------ WHY ARE YOU SOAKING WET?!!!"

"I just bathed with clothes on."

"What is wrong with you..."

"Hyung ah, i just want to say please take care of Jiyeon.... Don't break her heart anymore.. Please...." He cried and hugged junhyung

"Hajimayo.... Don't cry anymore.....  I'am sorry Jiyeon and I hurt you...... i'm sorry......" Junhyung cried too...........

It was an Emotional night..

The next morning..

Hara's pov:
I open my eyes..... i think of you..... Well, it is time to wake up and move on .

It seems like hara has been able to accept the situation as she has been through this for a long time.


All the four bestfriends and B2ST got ready to go back to their Career world and News about Junhyung and Jiyeon is everywhere. Finally after a week They release an Official News saying they will get Married in a Year or Two after they finish their Comeback and So on. 

A Year later, It is time for Jiyeon and Junhyung to get Married and their marriage place is at Jeju, The two couple decide to go with Yoseob and Hara together as one to Jeju. As their Family are already there at Jeju Island.


Junhyung and Jiyeon ofcourse went to the airport together.

"Babo, Ppali come here !!!"

"Yes princess, i will carry your luggage for you.." Jiyeon Hugged him from the back and said

"I'm jealous of my luggage...."

"huh Why??" Junhyung giggled

"Because you carried it instead of me"

"Hehehehehehe Kyeopta...... Okay baby i will carry only you." Junhyung carried her like a baby

They both blushed and laugh so cutely. (OMGEE)

-At the Airport

The couple saw Yoseob looking so handsome, doing his hair infront of the camera


"YANG YOSEOBBBBBB" Jiyeon came to hug him

"YA, PARK JIYEON !!! No No No!" Jealous junhyung

"Don't worry dear, Yoseob is my bestfriend, Take a picture of me and him. Pleaaaase"

"Arayo, i'm just kidding."

While junhyung take the camera out of his luggage the both of the bestfriends whispered to each other something to play with Junhyung.

"Okay time to pose!!"

"Hana, Duuuuul, Set ! SARANGHAEYO YONG JUNHYUNG" The both of them screamed

"YAAAAA " Junhyung blushed so bad

The two couple saw alot of fans saying congratulations to the couple and course abit of a stampede at the airport. Fans Brought Banners like,


All those banners lighten up the couple despite some that don't like them. And there was a Million Banners for the couple but this one in a million banner popped up that interest Yoseob, "YOSEOB SARANGHAEYO" He giggled and waved to the fan while waiting for hara.

Goo hara appeared with a cute smile to the 3 of them


"OHHH EONNIEEE !!!" Jiyeon hugged her back

to not cause anymore stampede the idols rushed to their planes.

"WWWAAAAH eonnie !!! You are so pretty !!!!"

"Gomawoyo bride to be."

"Aigoooo you make me feel nervous now."

Everyone laughed and Hara asked Yoseob

"Yaaaaaaa, Yoseob sshi."


"Didn't you bring your girlfriend?"

"Yeoja chingu? Who???"


"My girlfriend is this string!" Everyone burst out of laughter

"Yaaaaaa, you and hara are in a relationship?!!!!!!!!"

"Aniyo, i was just kidding. I thought Yoseob had a girlfriend so i decide to disturb him kekekeke"

Everyone laughed all the way till they reached Jeju Island. The biggest day for Junhyung and His Bride-To-Be Jiyeon will be tomorrow.

Yoseob an Hara decided to go on a walk together while the couple inspect their wedding and see if the plans go well, and the couple met their family.



"How are you feeling that Junhyung and Jiyeon is getting married?"

"I'm very happy for them. Now that i found the man of my life... I no longer have any feelings for Junhyung. i've moved on a long time ago, Yoseob."

"How did you do that?"

"I became Bold, Fight my heart. I won, And happier now."

"I wonder whose that lucky man..."

"I wonder..."


"What ? Why????"

"Is that........ IU?"

"Ohhhhh YES !"

"Yeppeooooo!!!!!" Yoseob called out to IU

"Annyeong!" Iu said

(YS, GH, IU)

"Are you here for Jiyeon's wedding too?"

"Ne, You & Hara ?"

"Same !"

"Who are you with? yeppeo?"

"Hahaha, stop calling me Yeppeo... I'm With Eunhyuk Oppa."


"I got to go now. Bye Yoseob and Hara!"

"Yoseob sshi.. lose hope?"

"Aniya.. she is so pretty..."

"Arayo.. Kaja lets meet jiyeon and junhyung."


They met Junhyung and Jiyeon for Dinner since they have been busy the whole day.

"Waaaaaa.. Jal Meokkeseyo!!!!" Everyone said

They ate and went to their own individual rooms.

-In yoseob room


"Aigoo, who come at this timing. i was just about to sleep."

"Arehkk?! Junhyung, what are you doing here???"


"Im so nervous !!!"


The both of them got excited then there's a sudden knock it scares them.


"Aishh, don't scare me.!!"

"Scaredy cat !"


They opened the door it turned out to be the room service yoseob ordered for his food.

They laughed through the night 

Jiyeons pov:

Tomorrow, i'm becoming someones wife. The guy i've liked for a thousands of years...
Omonaa !! 

Jiyeon Blushed


Idols from YG, SM, CUBE, DSP, CCM, LOEN STARSHIP AND MORE OF THE COMPANIES and Also Fans came for their wedding But Their bestfriends were put really to the front near the brides. Performance were prepared for the day. But before that, they have to get married first. kekekekke.

"Hara!! I'm scared!!!"

"Deep breathe!!! jiyeon!! omonaaaa"




The couple were nervous. the close friends and members of the couples met them. And now, it is time for the couple to walk down the aisle. Near a beach waaah romantic.

Junhyung Walked on the Aisle first as B2ST becomes his grooms-maid with Their Pure White Tux 

Junhyung standing there feeling so nervous and had red face with his friends and families joke around at him,  then he saw his bride walking down the aisle with her Pure White Dress and her bridesmaid. 

Junhyung was speechless and loss of words.. Jiyeon was so beautiful and he felt very nervous!!!!!

Junhyung Sweat fell of his head, Sweaty palms.... 

Junhyungs pov:

Jiyeon...... is so Beautiful....

Then the announcer,


They look into each others eye;s Slip in their rings and

"You may now kiss the bride...."

Junhyung and Jiyeon finally got married, Then the announcer gave the mic to Junhyung,

This song He sang with fellow B2ST Members infront of Jiyeon After their Kiss,

(Listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YODIW0V2FSk )

"BEAUTIFUL MY GIRL" Junhyung sang for her that line

Everyone scream out of the sweetness of Junhyungs voice and his charming line,

Jiyeon immediately Blushed and cried tears of joy with the camera man catching their moments,

Junhyung made a Speech after the whole song ,

"Park Jiyeon, aish... You don't know how much more i loved you now that you are my wife...." Jiyeon hugged him Everyone Awwwww-ed

Jiyeon took the mic,

"Saranghaeyo" She said with Aegyo

Everyone laughed and Awwwww-ed 

B2ST Took over the Mic,


HS: "I wish you and Jiyeon Prosperous and Last Forever Junhyung !!!"

GG:"Everyone !!! Clap for our Junhyung !! Finally he is married while his B2ST mates die of old age in their single years, kkkkkk Just kidding ne!!!! Junhyung ah I wish you and Jiyeon Long Live and Prosperous, Aratchi?"

DW: "WAH HYUNG, You got married to a very beautiful woman! What a lucky guy !!!!! KEKEKEKE, We hope you Last Forever and Prosperous also, Have alot of talented kids ne?!"

YS: "Junhyung.......... Why must you get married first?! Kekekeke just kidding. Please take care of jiyeon, Don't ever break her heart and please Last Forever Hyung !!"

JH: "Ne, Gomawoyo ``` *Junhyung voice cracked, He started crying* Now that im married..... Kekekeke, B2ST Lets be friends forever ne?! I can't live without you guys my wife and my family!!!" They hugged and then jiyeon took over

PJY: "Biseuteu, Gomawoyo for your well wishes and Doo joon ah, ppali get married ne? kekekeke. If im not around you guys must take care of Junhyung well ne? Kamsamida !"

Everyone on stage laughed while they are so many suprise perfomance for the newly-weds.


10Years Later

B2ST along with other idols that debuted not long with them are veterans and some had stepped down, some became an actor some went for solo activities. But B2ST remained as B2ST they now took over cube and stepped down and became legends of the kpop industry.

Junhyung And Jiyeon now lived a very happy life and had 4 Very Talented Kids. Named #1 Yong Jaehwa(Boy), #2 Yong Hyeri(Girl), #3 Yong Munhee(Girl), #4 Yong Sun-Hi (Girl)

Yoseob got married with one of his fans from Singapore named Ly they fell inlove with each other during a personal fan meet and Yoseob kept going to singapore and finally got married and had twins of a Boy and a Girl Named Yang Ae Cha(Girl) & Yang Myungdae(Boy) they were really happy together

Hara got married with Lee MinHo and had 2 Kids also both boys named Lee Woonha and Lee Hyushik 

The Four Bestfriend Constantly meet with the others, had Alot of fun together and All their kids pursue in the Arts Industry just like their Talented Parents.

And Finally The End :')

thank you

with love