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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Saturday 13 April 2013, 21:02

"Geonation Agents"

"Enemy at 2 O'clock." CL showed the way to Platinum Seungri.

"Roger mam." replied Trainee Platinum Seungri 

(Platinum is a rank like "Sargent" in Geonation Company. 
Trainee = New comers (1 Year Experience)  
Bronze = Lance coporal  (2 Year)
Silver = Corporal (3 year)
Platinum = Sargent (4 year - Forever)
Gold = Masters (Depending on their Skills)
Main Boss is Coded as Q and the Year he is a captain.
E.g. Q03 Q= boss . 3=Year 2003. No one can replace him if he retire he will choose one of the reliable captains to take over. For now it is Q13 They will change boss prolly every 10 Years.)

A very tense morning at Geonation Traning grounds. There are alot of group B2NG have to train using all the facilities available. To keep the new groups updated and prepared for enemy attacks as and when at Missions.

"Formation One GO GO GO" Shouted GD to all the trainees to form Formation One

"GR 6 , what are you doing?!! give me 20 push up DOWN DOWN DOWN !!! ALL OF YOU TOO SLOW. IF ENEMIES ATTACK YOU ALL DIE FIRST!!!!!!!" T.O.P got pissed to their slow reactions

Everyone started to complain and sighed "IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR TRAINING, WHY YOU ALL ENTER GEONATION. IF YOU WANT TO DIE EARLY THEN UP TO YOU. EVERYBODY DOWN !" BOM got very pissed because they made T.O.P pissed

But all the trainee's still neglected them since it is not their first day anymore, it is their last day as a trainee. They made GD, T.O.P & BOM pissed

"Guys. it is time for the Force Torture" T.O.P said with his face looking so intense

"Ohh... i remeber the old days. We used to be rebellion of this company. hahaha" Laughed GD

"Dude, no time for reminisce . Let's Go. BOM formation 12 FT "


They took our their M16 Guns and started shooting at the ground to force people to train, which is coded "F12FT" if the Trainee's is in rebellion mode because they already trained for 3 days none stop to be promoted to Bronze rank.

"EVERYBODY GET IN FORMATION" GD shouted to the groups

Geonation contains REJECTED NSS AGENTS, IGNORANT, REBELLIOUS, GANGS AND ALL THE EX CONVICT to do illegal stuff. But first they need to train them to be professional and to make sure the public don't find out about this Illegal Company that STEALs , KILLs, Do Dirty JOBS for the Government. THEY'RE an OFFICIAL Military companies for all the Above that we stated. To be trained to be professional Spies/dirty job masters. Their way of training is Ultimate Torture, They try not to kill anybody. But if they don't cooperate with the Gold ranks or Above Trainee ranks. They are unfortunately dead.

8Years Ago Approximately there will be atleast 2859 people killed in training per Year. Because every year There will be 10000 new trainee's trainee to enter the training ground and every month they atleast have to kill 10-80 people per month for rebellion at training ground. 

But eversince B2NG became Gold rank 5Years ago. Training has been standardize and "F12FT" now only will kill 268 rebels per year. Because they will give warning but if the trainee's still rebel. They won't hesitate to kill.. B2NG is the most group everyone look up too. Although alot of Platinum Platoons are planning to kill them for the top position. B2NG is protected.

After a few hours of the Third Day Training the Trainee they finally ended the Official Trainee - Bronze Training Exam. Now all the Trainee's will rest and their Bronze Acceptance Ceremony will be held the next week they come back. 

(Light Blue : GD , Orange : TOP , Pink : BOM , CAPTAIN : Yellow )

"That was another Batch and Next Year will be another batch " Cried BOM

"Are you really that tired Noona(sister)?" GD played with BOM

"Aniyo.. I'm used to it.. I'am juuss----" Bom got cut by TOP

"You're just hungry."

Everyone in the Room Laughed even the Platinum Platoons are in the room

"Uwh.. How do you know????"

"You are always hungry....."

Then BOM Kick top until he fell of his chair. They ran around the room like cat and mouse trying to fight each other. Suddenly One of the Platinums Shouted
"EVERYONE IN POSITION. TBSPG7 FORMATION !!!!!!" (Which means the Boss is coming to see everyone and the boss will have something to say. TBSPG7 means Trainee, Bronze, Silver, Platinum, Gold in line of 7X7 )

"Omo. Code Black Captain 14 is here"

"Hahahaha, HURRYYY we cannot loose face as GOLD"

Everyone was in Position. The Boss started to talk.

"People of Geonation. I have come to congratulate you Trainee's that excel and are going to be promoted next week. And i proudly annouce that After you Broze Acceptance Ceremony. The Current Bronze are going to Have the Bronze-Silver Training Exam. I will brief you current Bronze later onwards.
To all the Current Trainee's that passed your TE(Training Exams) Congratulation. B2NG i want you to step foward."

The three of them GD, TOP, BOM Proudly step out to the captain.

"Where is B2NG 2 ?"

"She is on Mission with Platinum Seungri SIR."

"What mission."

"To steal the White paper from the Government."

"Who gave her the mission?"

" B21 Captain SIR." 

(They're many TOP captains in Geonation B21 is one of them. All the Captains have their own Number followed by the Rank which is BLACK and their Group Number for example : B21. B=Black 2=Group 2 The last number is for example 1= Leader . And in every group there will be four members. So in group 2 code black will be like, Captain B21, B22, B23 & B24. If their group number is 100. it will be like, Captain B1002 . B=Black 100=group 100 2=Person number 2.)

"Good. How can the three of you Handle the exam ?"

"We are prepared SIR."

"I will talk to you personally later B2NG. EVERYONE DISMISS."


Everyone left to go home. 

"Hey let's go and have Supper together shall we?"

"BOM ah... it is 2 in the morning... supper is over."

"ummm... BREAKFAST???" she threw a cheeky smile

"Okay noona, lets go eat breakfast together"

The three of them went to breakfast together.. But before they go out to eat breakfast..

"PLATOON B2NG REPORT TO ROOM18 IMMEDIATELY." the announcement went off....

"WE ARE SO NEAR TO EATING BREAKFAST  !!!!" cried park bom while GTOP walk and left her behind while they laugh hysterically.

They entered room 18 and greeted B14 again.

"Take a sit."

"Are we here for special missions?"

"Not literally. But i honestly think you need to back up CL."

"You don't trust her?"

"I do. But Next week NSS Agents will Gather there for the President Arrival to tear the white paper that Contains everything NSS Agents find out about us and if the president tear that paper. It is the end of Geonation. And this is a really big mission. IF B2NG and Platinum Seungri fail the mission don't bother coming back, Because you will be jailed and questions will pressure you. Take this seriously. We need you to proceed to Seoul tonight. I will take care of the ceremony. Once you reach Seoul be normal don't spit out codes because we know in seoul either your friends or foe are NSS AGENTS. We need you to pack up and Back Up CL and P.Seungri "

"Roger SIR. We will promise to carry out the mission with our 100%."

"Good. Now go."

"Thank you sir."

-After they left the island to take the plane back to Seoul from Japan's Geonation - The main Training Ground. They will meet CL and Seungri at the airport.But after they left the island they went to have breakfast first. then they to a plane back to their individual houses and took a rest for the day.

Chapter Wrap: How was the first chapter? Do you now know the Geonation Codes? do you understand? write at the comments below if you have any opinions ! Staytune for the next chapter "Mission: Seoul Break out"

thank you

with love