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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Friday 22 March 2013, 08:07
Secret Love Chapter "NINETEEN"

"Secret Mission: Find Park Jiyeon Part 4"

Yoseobs pov:

*open's eyes, looked at watch* AHH ! it is 1.30PM !!!!!!! Arehk where is JUNHYUNG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Junhyung wasn't in the hotel room. *He checked his phone then he called junhyung*

"YA HYUNG. WHERE ARE YOU? We need to find Jiyeon."

"Yoseob... i guess we should give up....."

"HYUNG?!What are you talking about?!"

*Junhyung Put down the phone*

"That's not like you. Why do you want to give up?"

Junhyung look to where the voice was from, His eye grow huge he was really shocked. 

"P....p.....p.... PARK JIYEON !!!!!!" Junhyung ran to hug her and cried

(pjy, jh)

"Yong Junhyung.........." She cried and hugged him too

"Why why did you leave me.......... Jiyeon..."

"Junhyungie... you became too weak. what did Your girlfriend do to you now...?"

"She left me..... to Jeju Island, giving me a letter telling me i loved other girls. But i only loved her....."

"Geojitmal (LIE) ."

"Why would i lie.... Park Jiyeon.."

"That kiss you gave Hyuna had a meaning..."

"Look... I admit she was my first ex... but i didn't love her. That was just a peck she wanted, that is all her trap, i tried to explain to you the next day.... but You left me...."

"How would feel if i were to peck my ex?!"

"Kissing my bestfriend hurts more than you kissing your ex, and knowing that Yoseob loved you all this while.... it hurts more. Park JiYeon."

Jiyeon went speechless first because she did kiss his bestfriend which is Yoseob, secondly knowing that Yoseob loved her............

"Yoseob what ?!"

"HE LOVED YOU. UNDERSTAND !" Junhyung took a walk leaving Jiyeon behind, because he just don't know what to say since Jiyeon still don't believe him.

"YA, you found me yet you leave me."

"I took the time to go to your room, finding out you left... What hurts more than not knowing your whereabouts, whether you are okay. I'm really scared i would loose you even for a slip seconds... i never stopped thinking about you... i was with Hyuna at the Mall because she promised to reconcile us , but i just fell for her trap until that night you decide to leave me the next day..."

"I left..... because i thought i had to move on... because i thought you didn't care... Was i being selfish? why am i such a burden..........."

Junhyung hugged her again.

"Enough already.. let's just forget about it... Okay. I apologize."

"Junhyung...... i'm sorry......."

"Gwaenchana, now that you're right in my hands. I feel safe and secured. Thank You Park Jiyeon."



Yoseobs pov:

What does he mean by give up... did he loose hope?! yaaaaaa... if he did, i;m going to find her MYSELF!

"Jiyeon, lets go see the others. let me call yoseob to get hara."

"They came too...?"

"Yup !"

"Yaa, what's with the face!" Jiyeon squish his cheeks

*Junhyung calling Yoseob*

"Yaaa, whats with the giving up----" said yoseob

"Meet me now, at Haevichi Hotel Lobby, i got a surprise, bring HARA and forget about what i said just now" junhyung squeaked


(Hara, YS)

"Hara, what do you think is the surprise?"

"I don't know, maybe he bought pizza?"

"Or maybe he wants to say some bad news?"


Suddenly a cute voice appear


Hara and yoseob turn their heads

"PARK JI YEON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"EONNIE !!! OPPA !!!!!"


Hara cried "Jiyeonnie............. why......."

"Eonnie.... Don't cry.... Please... it is only 4 days....."

"4 DAYS WITHOUT NEWS ! what will happened if you go to foreign country and get kidnapped !!!! You're the only dongsaeng i have PARK JIYEON"

Hara hugged her tightly

"Yaaa park Jiyeon..."

"Yang yoseob."

Jiyeon punched him in the face


"BABO." Jiyeon hugged him

Yoseobs pov:

If only Everyday with Jiyeon was like this... if only she's mine..... She almost belong to Junhyung...... What should i do.....

Kaja, eonnie! Said jiyeon to hara. Jiyeon and Hara left them behind...



"I got something to tell you.."

"Hmm what?"




"Tell me already.."

"She still love me..."

Junhyung suddenly breakdown.

"I don't want to hurt her...."

"See hyung. Your heart is too soft for girls.. YOU NEED TO SAY THAT STRAIGHT FOWARD TO HARA."

"Straight forward.??"

"Ne. When it comes to being straight forward.. i know just the right person."

Yoseob took out his phone and he called someone.



"Where are you? LEE GI GWANG?!"

"Kekekekkee, on a holiday with my mum."

"Meet me and Junhyung. Ppali!"

"Aigoooo, where are you?"

"JEJU !"

"WOW, you guys are lucky i'am here to, meet me at Cafe Mulgogi. understand?"


"Kaja Junhyung. "

"How bout hara and Jiyeon."

"Leave that to me"

"Park Jiji, Hara i and junhyung is going to have a man day today, you girls do what you want."


"Kaja, hyung."

The both of them went on their way to meet Gikwang at Mulgogi Cafe. At 804 changcheon-ri, Andeok Meon, Seogwipo, Jeju. While the girls go to Jeju Spa !!

Junhyung & Yoseob reached mulgogi cafe. To their surprise,

Lee gigwang , Yoon dujun, Jang Hyunseung and Son Dongwoon is there.




They scream and shout after along time they didn't get to see each other.
They ate and rest for awhile.

"Oh yeah, yoseob, what do you want to ask me about?"

"Junhyungie... Have some girl problem....."

Everyone in B2ST including Junhyung himself Laughed to the top of their voices, because they cannot take it anymore. He is too hilarious

"Okay everyone. Junhyung previously was with Gu hara right?"

"ye, why you want to get back to hara?"

"Aigo hyung what is wrong."

"Yes, they were good."

"Why did you break up?!!"

"SHH, you all know why they broke up. Junhyung, can't ask Jiyeon to be his girlfriend......."


"shhh, let me finish. Junhyung only loved Jiyeon eversince they meet, during trainee years, after he broke up with Hyuna. remember?"


"But now Hara can't seem to move on.. So he needed your help gigwang. on how to deal with Hara so that he can ask Jiyeon to be his girlfriend without any hesitation." 

"I think you should tell Hara not to love you?"

"Aigo Dujun, you are to mean. Maybe ask Hara can you be jiyeons boyfriend."

"That's too weird hyunseung hyung, they already broke up. Why not you let Hara be and continue your relationship to the next level."

"Dongwoon, you are just like dujun. Meanie. Listen here Junhyung. Just talk things out with Hara later. If she wants or doesnt want, you just tell her that you are sorry , you really loved Jiyeon. I hope you move on because there are some other guys like Kikwang oppa can take care of you well..."


Everyone in B2ST burst out in big laughter then they proceed and walk to where the girls is to Start the plan, Although it is Already 3PM KST at Jeju,

B2ST decides to play at the beach with the girls. They already contacted the girls, now B2ST is on their way to JeJu BEACH.

They Met the girls and started playing at the beach, So the rest of Beast Accept for Junhyung, Distracted Jiyeon so that She won't see Junhyung and Hara go somewhere. 

(Hara, Junhyung, Jiyeon)

"Hara!" Junhyung pulled her hand and ran somewhere very far from the beach.

While running

Hara's Pov:

Why is he pulling me to somewhere we can't be seen.... has he changed his mind? Do he love me now?

-Near Some Mountain

"TSKK, OPPA! Mwoya?!"

"Sorry if im to harsh..."

"Why did you bring me here??"

"I got something to talk about.."

"Is it important ? what if Jiyeon misunderstands us.?"

"Listen to me. I know you still love me.... But i don't have any feelings for you Hara...----" Junhyung got cut

"I already know. If you are breaking my heart again, here. it is a ways of time Oppa."

"I don't want you to get hurt.... I don't want you to keep clinging on me. I don't want to break your heart again... I did once and it is enough to hurt me too... I'm so sorry Hara... I'm Going to be Jiyeon's soon... i'm going to propose her tonight... i want you to be happy, i know you'd be happy with someone else.... i ... i want you to be happy for me and jiyeon too...."

"Are you going or not?"


"Enough of the lecture.. i told you i was prepared yet you look down on me... Oppa let's buy ice cream for the others so Jiyeon won't misunderstand your kindness.. oppa."

"Hara.....You are really somebody..."

"I'am Gu Hara and I became strong because of you. Now, Kaja?"

Both Junhyung and Hara smiled then they walk looking like Oppa and Dongsaeng. Buying Ice Cream for the day.

After they had fun at the beach, junhyung and Jiyeon had a really romantic day, Looking at each other, smiling at each other, singing with each other.... And being shy towards each other and got disturb by the others....

-Junhyung Proposal Night (The night of his life.)

Everyone was gathered at the sky tower of the hotel to enjoy the last night of their Summer 7 Holiday.

The rest of them had some drinks to party the night of, there was an event at the sky tower. While everyone was having fun, Junhyung ran On top of the stage.

"Hi may i borrow your mic?" junhyung asked the MC

"Sure.." Said MC

"Hi everyone. I'am Junhyung Beast. Tonight is the night of my life. So i want to share it with all of you this,

Dear, Park Ji Yeon. [Jiyeon turned to Junhyung looking so shocked and was taken aback by his odd acts. while the others smiles and blush pointing at Jiyeon*while paparazi's took their videos*]

I want you to know, i want the whole Korea to know, i want the whole world to know, How much Yong Junhyung Love you. I may have not shown you but after so many years i have been your Bestfriend, I KNOW YOU inside and OUT. But only this year, i got to know you had deep feelings for me too... We are very close. We are too Close to be in relationship, I know you too well for us to be in a relationship.

But , Park Jiyeon Will you be My Wife." He blushed

Jiyeon stomp to the stage and too the mic from Junhyung. and Speech with her Tear's of joy flowing 

"Yaaa... Do you know how long..... I've been waiting for this very moment to hear something good from my Bestfriend here... I think more than 10 years.

Yong junhyung, Do you want the whole world to know how much i loved you too?
I'm gonna tell the world Everything about YOU!

Yong Junhyung,

He like red colour, He love music, He wear's cartoon boxers, He love COKE, He love to eat meat. And this is something all Junhyung's fan doesn't know,
Behind stage, camera, beast. He is a girl...... He is always acting cute. He may look so fierce and cool... But he is a total gay! 

But even how gay he is, My love for him all this years never fades.... Now junhyung I know this is the moment you've been waiting for, i shall now answer your question with a question. Will you be My Husband?"

Junhyung then kneeled to the ground and gave her the rose he bought , as well as the ring he kept for Jiyeon.

"Saranghaeyo, Park Jiyeon."

"Nado saranghaeyo, Yong Junhyung."

The both of then hugged each other on stage and finally had their first kiss on a stage full of people feeling so happy for them, some fans were there, and B2ST and Hara, Cheered for this couple who is going to officially marry each other.

In the last chapter 20, We all will know what will happen to Yang Yoseob, and Gu Hara. Both of them will ofcourse feel hurt. But who know's , Anything can happen. Staytuned !

thank you

with love