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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Thursday 21 March 2013, 07:18
Secret Love Chapter "EIGHTEEN"

"Secret Mission: Finding Jiyeon part 3"

Junhyung's Handphone ringed,

"Yobeoseyo !!!"

"Junhyung sshi?!"

"yes you are?"

"Hi i am Jiyongs Messenger he wants me to remind you to check your email as he already sent the message as promised."

"Oh, kamsahabnida !" 

Junhyung quickly read his inbox at his gmail (Note that this is made up and edited, THIS IS NOT REAL.)

Click photo to enlarge

"Yoseob its time to pack !"

Junhyung threw out every single luggage they have and called hara to pack hers too! luckily she was awaked.
Now they have packed their bags, "its time Jeju Island. Park Jiyeon, wait for me."

(Yoseob Green, Junhyung Orange, Gd Yellow, Hara pink)

Yoseobs pov:

How did Jiyong hyung did it. He replied it in that email, as if she is really there. Park Jiyeon wait for me. We are all coming for you. I miss you

"Junhyungie, how did Jiyong hyung did all this?"

"hmmmm, lets call him. i want to say thank you too."

Junhyung took out his phone to call Gd.


"Oh hyung , its me Junhyung."

"Oh hello, so how have you started the search of Park Jiyeon?"

"Going too, i'm calling to say thank you."

"You're most welcomed."

"How did you do all that."

"Well, the power of stalking and coincidence. I went to Honolulu Airport yesterday to fly back to Korea, so... i decide to check Jiyeon's Flight History at the airport itself."

"How did you do that??"

"It is a secret . please don't tell anyone. But she went back to Korea. So i did the same thing at Incheon Airport. So she took last was Jeju Air. Then i did Some Jiyeon Profiling with the information you gave to me. She is indeed an interesting person. That is how i came up with the informations."

"Wow Hyung, You're not just Talented. You're Amazingly talented. Thank you very much hyung!!! i'am very honored!" 

"Like i said, it's all coincidence. If she knew this would happened, there will be alot of security work to do. and that takes time itself."

"How did you do it in one day. Hyung Thank you very much!!!"

"Good luck on searching, i have some other work to do. I hope you all take care, just call me if you need anything."

"Thank you hyung, i owe you alot."

"Don't mention it, you don't owe me anything."

Than Junhyung explained to Yoseob how did Gd did that while they're both packing.

"Seob, are you read----- Woah ohmygod..... That was fast. you even showered."

Yoseob burst out of laughter because junhyung got shocked by him being so fast.

"Hyung, you're so funny..Jiyong hyung is really an amazing person."

After all the funny moments, junhyung rushed to pack his clothes and got ready, They then walk to the lobby But !

"AIGO !"

"Waeyo hyung?"

"Hara, hara , hara, where is she?!"

"Arehk !!!! We are late !!!! Wait hyung, have you bought the tickets to korea and Jeju ?!"

Junhyung face palmed himself.... "I totally forgot that... Jiyong hyung only gave me the email today.... aigoo... i totally forgot about the flight."

"You think i would forgot??" *Showing the receipt of online Flight booking*

"HARA, but how did you know, i didn't even told you where we were going!"

"I received an email from Jiyong Oppa too. because i told him to send it to me too! And i know you would forget about whats important and Junhyung oppa, you think i don't know you well~!"

"Kekekekeke..... Gomawoyo Hara !"

"Enough already, the shuttle bus is here!!"

The 3 of them abandoned their Hawaii holiday to find Jiyeon at Jeju Island !
They're left with 2Days will they get to find Park Jiiyeon? 

They took the flight around 6PM, although they reach the airport around 3PM, they still need to go through check-in, and all the airport stuff. 

They reached Korea around 3AM because direct flight from Hawaii to Korea takes about 9.8Hrs. 

So they took a little break in korea to wait for Their flight to Jeju which they will board the plane around 5AM. 

They reached Jeju around 6AM since it is only an hour flight. 

The three of them reached with their zombified faces. The three of them were so exhausted. The first thing they do is,

"Yoseob, lets get coffee.."

Yoseob decide not to wake up from the airplane chair. Junhyung flick water to his face so he'd wake up...

"Yaaaaa junhyung........."

They bought breakfast then checked-in to the same hotel that Jiyeon was supposed to stay according to jiyong.

After Breakfast and checked in, they all were fast asleep..

Yoseobs Pov:

I can't seem to sleep... Far or Near from you.. I should take a morning walk... Time check 7A.M. KST . 
[Yoseob took a walk to the place he always knew was stress releasing, some where in Jeju.] Jiyeon.... Neon eoddieyo?

At 8.30 AM Yoseob went back to the hotel and tried to sleep.

TIME: 1.21PM

Hara's pov:

I should wake up now and find for Jiyeon..... Junhyung... My heart is going to break again... i should share this with Yoseob. i can't hold it to myself.

*Katoged Yoseob*

"Oppa, can you come to my room... I really need someone to talk to right now.... i feel really.... down"

Yoseob is still sleeping.. but Junhyung woke up hearing to Yoseobs Katog tone.

He took yoseobs phone and read through the text from Hara.

Junhyung's pov:

Hara is feeling down.. what is wrong.. I'm her brother she always find for me first.. what is happening... Ever since we broke up i seem to have distanced from her... is this my Fault. I should go to her right? 

Junhyung wash up and wear some clothes then he walk up to Hara's room.

*knock knock*

"Yoseob!!!!!!" hara cried

"Hara ya ! gwaenchana?????" Junhyung got so worried and confused.

"Oh Junhyungie......."

"What is wrong?"

"I'm fine...You can leave."

Hara was about to close the door, Junhyung hold on to it. "Tell me hara."

"I said i'm fine.." She cried harder

She closed the door without noticing some kind of paper dropped outside.
she went on the bed crying and crying

Junhyung's pov:

[When he was about to leave] What's that , that flew? Oh it's on the floor. *Junhyung took that piece of paper, it turned out to be His photo with Hara looking so sweet* Hara......... She still...... loved me....

Junhyung just went back to his room and put the photo under Hara's door.

Hara's Pov:

Where's is our photo..... Oh there it is *she took the photo back facing her* Arehk what is this *something was written at the back of the photo 
 "미안해요-용존형" *She cried more*  oppa.......

Yoseobs pov:

*open's eyes, looked at watch* AHH ! it is 1.30PM !!!!!!! Arehk where is JUNHYUNG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Junhyung wasn't in the hotel room. *He checked his phone then he called junhyung*

"YA HYUNG. WHERE ARE YOU? We need to find Jiyeon."

"Yoseob... i guess we should give up....."

"HYUNG?!What are you talking about?!"

*Junhyung Put down the phone*

"That's not like you. Why do you want to give up?"

Junhyung look to where the voice was from, His eye grow huge he was really shocked. 

In Chapter nineteen, You will know who said that to Junhyung. *Highlighted in purple* Will they get to find Jiyeon? Their holiday will end in less then 2 days. Staytuned

thank you

with love