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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 19 March 2013, 00:06
Secret Love Chapter "SEVENTEEN"

"Secret Mission: Find Park Jiyeon Part 2"

(GD Yellow, JH Orang, GH Pink, YS Green)

"Sunbae, do you know where Jiyeon is?!"

"How would i know...... I dont know Jiyeon that well.... remember the story i told you "SHE LEFT THE SCHOOL" Right?"

"But... i thought you would help me...."

"Yes, i can help you with my super human brains."


"I use to learn how to become a Private Investigator during High School, sooooo i have this talent. kekeke"

"Why don't believe me?"

"I believe you 100% hyung, we really need your help to find Jiyeon."

"Now 3 of you.. tell me full information about park Jiyeon."

"Jiyeonie----" junhyung got cut by Yoseob

"I shall explain everything to you, i know Jiyeon more well then he does. all he knows is hurting Jiyeon. so i bet he know nothing about her."

"Yoseobie ! what is wrong with you??? im here trying my best to get Jiyeon back with us and here you are trying to rib our friendship apart.... Listen yoseob, i am really sorry.... if i loose you , Jiyeon and Hara at the same time.... i can never get back on my knees... please. don't do this to me.."

"I thought you promised me not to hurt Jiyeon, you know i love her. still.... you hurt her. i already told you, if you ever hurt jiyeon, you'd hurt me too..... theres never a chance where Jiyeon will look up to me.. all she does is talk about you.... it really hurts for me to hear. but i as your bestfriend junhyung gave you my love for jiyeon. is it really hard to take care of a womans heart.....?"

"Yoseob... it was my fault i fell for Hyuna's trap.. i already said that to you..."

"You have to explain this to Jiyeon. ASAP ."

"I understand. but for now please be as we normally do yoseobie....."

"Yare Yare.... i don't know wether you both love jiyeon or each other...."


"kekekeke just kidding, shall we continue, Jiyong Oppa ?"

"Oh yes, i got carried away with your friends fighting, now full details about her please."

Yoseob and Junhyung reconcile then the 3 of them then put their heads together and gave Gd the full details. half a day passed and the 3 of them finished consulting with Gd about Jiyeon, they all went home after gd said 

" I'll give you the answer by junhyung's email tomorrow, i've got unfinished business in Korea so in 3 hours time i have to go back to Korea."

"Thank you Hyung, we look foward to your email tomorrow."

"No problem."

After they came back and when in back their hotel.

"Yoseob aren't we lucky?"


"Why so gloomy?"

"I just hate that letter Jiyeon gave to me."

"I hate it more. she really thought i loved Hyuna more than her... i love nothing else but her, doesnt she realize that?"

"I don't know...... but why would she leave for a month and leave her career hanging?"

"That is something not even her bestfriend would know, i hope jiyong hyung reply us early.. im too worried. we dont even know if she is safe....."

"Lets go for dinner with Hara.."

They went to dinner looking so gloomy... sad..... while waiting for Hara for dinner.
there's this clown walking towards them trying to make Yoseob and Junhyung Laugh.The clown did many funny funny tricks.. none of it made them laugh. then the clown brought them to somewhere the view is very2 beautiful..... It was almost sunset, Yoseob and junhyung were really fascinated with the view from the top of the Honolulu resort... So They thanked the clown and wanted to know who the clown was.

"Yaaaa, thank you for the awesome day Mr Clown...."

"Who are you anyway?"

Yoseob and Junhyung bring up its costume head and it turned out to be Hara!

"Cheer up oppa!! We will soon find Park Jiyeon. and if i weren't the clown just now i think i have to wait for a very long time just eat dinner with the both of you!!"

"Arehkkk?!!! HARA! ekekekekekekkekekekek!!!!" the both of them burst out into a big laughter!!

The three of them had dinner and went to the top floor to watch the star's together with hara and had a BBQ dessert... They have icecream, roasted marshmallows and etc. 

"waaaa, ice cream would feel good right now~!"

"Yoseob Oppa look!!!! Marshmallow!!!" *Hara started singing IU - Marshmallow. That made Yoseob blushed."

"Yaaaa! Mwoya?! You like IU or Jiyeon.?!"

"IU is my girlfriend, Jiyeon shall be my wife."

"AISH Jiyeon is mine !!!"

Yoseob and Junhyung joked

"Oppa, Jiyeon is mine,!" Hara said bashfully

"Aigo hara, you're so cute."


They kind of enjoyed the night knowing that tomorrow they will get an answer from GD and the search for Jiyeon will begin but their holiday is almost ending in 3days time.. will they be able to find Park Jiyeon???

(In junhyungs Dream)

Junhyung was walking and someone hug him from the back , she hugged him so tightly!!!! He merely blushed knowing that was Jiyeon, he turned and hugged her back but horrifically the person he hugged was a very very old woman who turned out to be Jiyeon... Then he woke up in horror 

"AHHHH!!!!" In the end the one that was hugging junhyung in reality was Yoseob. 

 "YAAAAA YOSEOBIE!!!!!!" junhyung kicked him to the floor then laugh like a crazy person

"ahhhhh hyung....... mwoya.........." Yoseob replied with a very husky voice 

"Wake up its 2pm already.."


Suddenly Junhyung's Handphone ringed,

"Yobeoseyo !!!"

"Junhyung sshi?!"

"yes you are?"

"Hi i am Jiyongs Messenger he wants me to remind you to check your email as he already sent the message as promised."

"Oh, kamsahabnida !" 

Junhyung quickly read his inbox at his gmail (Note that this is made up and edited, THIS IS NOT REAL.)

Click photo to enlarge
"Yoseob its time to pack !"

Junhyung threw out every single luggage they have and called hara to pack hers too! luckily she was awaked.
Now they have packed their bags, "its time Jeju Island. Park Jiyeon, wait for me."

In chapter 18, they will take 1 day to reach Jeju, can they find jiyeon in 2 days? we'll see!

thank you

with love