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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 15 January 2013, 11:42
Secret Love Chapter "SIX"

 "Yoseob And Hara?!!"

The next day after a troublesome day yesterday yoseob ;

Opened his eyes,
Open his mouth and took a deep breath with his shiny lips .

Yoseobs pov;
*breathe out*
Haaa... What a day it was yesterday... *phone ringssss *

Green Yoseob
Red Hara


"Yoseob ah.. Its hara."

"Oh gu hara. Why did you call ? Did something happened between you and junhyung?"

"Can i meet you? " hara sounds so depressed

"Oh sure ! Im free anyway"

"Ne. Meet me at Gangnam park."


"Yang yoseob ..."

"What is wrg sunbaenim?"

"Ya dont call me that. Im a year younger than you."

"Araseo. Whats wrong anyway?"

"Junhyung kept talking about park jiyeon during our date yesterday..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He said you and jiyeon are dating. But i dont see why he kept talking about his past with jiyeon.. He seems happy while talking...." 

"Me and jiyeon are not dating gu jara ya."


Yoseob goofed around with hara.

"Come on yoseob. Tell me is anything wrong with junhyung?"

"Ani. I dont think anything even happen. But maybe he just miss jiyeon since he only get to meeet her after 5mths yesterday."

"Ohh she is back from japan promotions right?"


"I might have just overreacted right? Jiyeon has a date anyway."

"Really who?" Shocked yoseob

"You yoseob you..."

They laughed at each other but

Junhyungs pov;

Sighh... I need some relax.. Practice was hard.. Shall go to gangnam park...

-junhyung walk and walk... -


Junhyungs pov:
Isnt that my sweetheart? Whaaa whose that?! Yang yoseob?? Wha .. Omo what are they doing here..?! Looking so happy together ?!! Aishhhh !!!!!

Junhyung stomped to where theyre !
And he screamed at the top of his voice causing yoseob and hara to jump

[Green yoseob,orange junhyung, red hara,Jiyeon Light Blue]


"Buingbuing??? Whatre you doing here??!"

"Answer me yang yoseob!"

"We are only sharing problems whats up with you ?"

"Well go share it with your girlfriend!!! "

Junhyung and yoseob fought for almost awhile and hara called for jiyeon.

Jiyeon rushed to the scene.

-fast foward-

"Ya junhyung ! Yoseob! Kemanhae!"

Yoseob and junhyung turned their head

"Jiyeon your boyfriend here is cheating on you over my girlfriend!!! What ----" junhyung got cut

"Junhyung listen, i am not dating yoseob!"

Junhyung jaw was left open

"You mean you lied to me yesterday?! Jiyeon ah!!"

"Hyung. Lets stop this foolish act, goo hara came to ask me about you and jiyeon! Thats it!"

"Yoseob! Why did yoi tell him?? " goo hara was shocked

Jiyeon look at junhyung
Junhyung then said
"Goo hara ya... I have nothing to do with jiyeon! You should know! We are close friends !"

"Then why do you keep talking about jiyeon...."

"Unnie ah, dont think that way.."

They quickly settled everything with the of them reconciling with each other. And a few hours later after hanging out together, Goo Hara & Yoseob have to hurry for their schedule although they're reluctant to leave Jiyeon And Junhyung alone. but they said they were fine together. So then Hara & Yoseob quickly went away and only Junhyung And Jiyeon were left together !!
Sad Hara kekekeke

Junhyung and Jiyeon felt abit awkward afterwards,

Orange Junhyung
Light Blue Jiyeon

"You have finish your schedule ?"

"Ne, You?"

"Yup, me too...." *Junhyung did an indirect awkward face

Jiyeon giggled upon his awkward face then they both laugh! 
"Do you think we should grab some dinner together? I'm feeling hungry! BAEGOPAYO" Jiyeon Said with cute aegyo

The both of them end up going out together,

Firstly They went to eat dinner at Sujong Restaurant near Gangnam Park;

Junhyungs POV:
Urhh... What should i do... i've never felt this awkward before, not even the first time i went to a date with my sweet hara.. its a totally different feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Junhyung Scream in his heart"

Jiyeons POV:
*FIREWORKKKKKKS* OMONA, it really feels like a date!! WITH JUNHYUNG ?!!! Okay jiyeon RELAX act normal. Okay okay!! AHHHHHHH i cant !!!

They sat on the table nearer to the window and outside they can see the Water Fountain at Gangnam Park.
Junhyung look at jiyeon and say,
[orange jun, L'blue Jiyeon]

"Jiyeon ah, how much have you grown?"

"WHAT? You mean i grew fatter?!! then im not eating!"

"Maybe i didn't get to see you for the past 5 months? You look pretty different..."

"You actually notice me?"


Chapter Wrap:
I did not do any chapter wrap on chapter 5 because i forgot !! ahhh :'( Btw, this upcoming chapter.. Is the CONFLICT, THE THIRD PARTY AND THE QUESTION IS!
"IS IT THE END OF JUNHARA?!" Staytuned to find out soon! Do comment on the Tagbox on the right bar below the archives, Thank You once again if you have been following, Secret Love.

thank you

with love