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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Thursday 17 January 2013, 10:24
Secret Love Chapter "SEVEN"


They sat on the table nearer to the window and outside they can see the Water Fountain at Gangnam Park.
Junhyung look at jiyeon and say,

[orange junhyung, L'blue Jiyeon]

"Jiyeon ah, how much have you grown?"

"WHAT? You mean i grew fatter?!! then im not eating!"

"Maybe i didn't get to see you for the past 5 months? You look pretty .....(long pause)...different..."

"You actually notice me?"

"Ani, i just----" junhyung got cut by the waiter that wants to take order.

"Its okay tell me later, im so hungry i can eat a lorry of carrots!"

After they eat, junhyung and jiyeon decide to take a walk at gangnam streets since people in korea respect idols they wont go on errands especially paparazi. They are not allowed to step in gangnam street.

Then it started to  rain heavily all of a sudden.....
Both junhyung and jiyeon didnt bring umbrella,

[orange junhyung, light blue jiyeon]

"Aishhh!! Its raining so heavily !!"

"Jiyeon ah wait for me at that shelter!! I will go and buy umbrella!"

"YAA. Gwaenchana!!! Lets play in the rain!!"

"Andwae ! You will get sick !!"

"Wae.... Can we play rain please !!!!"

Junhyung than knock jiyeons head lightly.

"Waeeee....it hurtssssss"

Junhyung then splash a puddle at jiyeon and causing jiyeon to jump as she was shock


Jiyeon splashed the water at junhyung and they kept doing that

Jiyeon was about to fall to the front where junhyung was

Jiyeon fell on top of junhyung and junhyung looked up to her . They stared at each other for a moment

[while looking at each other]

Junhyungs pov;
*opens eye* 

jiyeon is so beautiful... Kind.. Why isnt she mine??? .... I SHOULDNT SAY THIS... Think of goo hara think of goo hara 

Jiyeons pov:
*opens eyes*

this moment i was waiting for, yong junhyung..... Why arent you mine.... Noo jiyeon he is goo hara's !!!! Stop this already!!!!

"Jiyeon ah you are heavy..."

"AISH SORRY SORRY !!! I i i ----" jiyeon got cut by junhyung's laugh and *SPLASHHH* a puddle of water that was near them junhyung took advantage of.

Then they continued playing in the rain for half and hour or so.
The rain stopped And the both of them are soaking wet.
They went to one of the gangnam hotel  to  warm up themselves.
Ofcourse they stay in different rooms but side by side.

-After warming up-

[orange jun Lblue jiyeon]

*knock knock* "jiyeon ah its me junhyung"

"Hold on!!!*opened the door* yes?!"

"Lets get some supper. I feel hungry after playing in the rain."

They bought ramen and plain water from the store and decides to go jiyeons room to watch movie together.

-fast foward-
[while eating and watching movie together]

"Junhyung ah, did you forget something?"

"Huh? what?"

"Just now when we're having dinner?"

"Ohh that ! ...... uhmm.."

"Ya, Tell me! my ear is itching for you to tell------" Jiyeon got cut
because junhyung received a call..

Junhyungs pov;
Oh no, she remembered how am i supposed tttt *Phone rings, looked at phone* OMonaaaa... eotteoghe... Its Goo Hara!! she cannot know im with jiyeon 

"Jiyeon ah im going to pick up this call, stay here!"

-Hara's Phone Call-
[Hara Pink, Junhyung Orange]

"Buingbuing! Where are you? and why didn't you reply to my text?"

"Ohh, mianhe(sorry) i left my phone in the car just now."

"araseo... Are you home?"

"Ne ! Sweethara.... I need to sleep now.... i have a morning schedule tmr. sorry?"

"Haaa... O ... ooo.. okay." *Hara sounds dissapointed*

Sorry sweethara.... i really do not know why this is happening...

Hara's Pov:

Buingbuing.... its the first time he put sleep first before me... everything weird is happening ever since jiyeon appeared after her japan promotions... Ohh and wait..... Me and Yoseob left them at gangnam park just now... aiiiishhhh eotteonkkaji(what should i do)... aigoooo...["Goo Hara Your turn"]aigo, sajangnim... "Hold onnnn!!"

-Movie Marathon Park Jiyeon & Yong Junhyung-

"Who called?"

"Ohh, its dongwoon he asked me if im cmg home."

"Back to the topic, tell me..."

"you really want to know, Park Jiyeon?"


*Junhyung looked at Jiyeon*

*Jiyeons Reacted to his look*

"Mwoya?? Tell me already!"

"Jiyeon ah.... Actually.... I.... i... i really.. Missed you..."


*Junhyung Hugged Jiyeon*

"Junhyung ah... Kemanhaeyo...----"

"Don't lie i know you missed me too.."


*Junhyung hugged her tighter*

Junhyungs pov:

Omona... What am i doing !!!
*Junhyung Then let go of jiyeon and ran back to his room..*

How am i going to face hara... i felt like..... My feelings !!! ARGHHH......

Hara                                   or                                          Jiyeon?

What am i thinking!!!! *Junhyung tried to go to sleep....

Jiyeons pov:

Did junhyung just said he missed me?!!! Did HE just HUGGED me ?!!!
Why .. But.... AM I DREAMING?!!!! Omonaaaa...... Park Jiyeon Control YOURSELF.

The both of them went to sleep... Thinking of each other....

Yoseobs pov:
Hmmmm... Still awake, because of Caffeine Schedule.. Lets go to the internet..
-after a few minutes browsing the internet,-

Yoseob dropped his coffee and started to tear up

Yong Junhyung seems to be playing with Goo Hara! 
Late at night we saw jiyeon lying on junhyung
at around 10:35 PM Just now. More information to be confirmed.
[Picture Proven]

Yaaa... What are the both of them doing?!!! What if goo hara finds out?!!! Jiyeon ah........ This hurts me so much. Junhyung ! What ... What is this.... I MUST CALL JUNHYUNG !!!!!!


Chapter Wrap:Although gangnam street dont allow paparazi, look what happen, is this going to be a disaster for Junhara or Jiyeon? What about Yoseobs feelings? STAYTUNED !. A long chapter full of gif's :3 Gif's is just to add up the feel of the story. and to spice it up ofcourse colours! Hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter of Secret Love. ^^

thank you

with love