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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 15 January 2013, 10:07
Secret Love Chapter "FIVE"

"Stay Strong"

It is already 4 summer days and jiyeon is still carrying a broken heart everywhere she goes due to knowing the news about junhyung and goo hara.

Yoseobs pov:
I must tell junhyung about this.. Jiyeon must feel happy again!

Yoseob than pick up the phone and dialed to junhyungs number.

Blue yoseob
Green junhyung

"Junhyung uh, i need to meet you urgently"

"What is so urgent yang yoseobie...?"

"Its about jiyeon."

"Jiyeon? Did anything happened to her??" *change of voice*

"Just meet me yong junhyung"

"Yaaa, waeyo? Malhaebwa" (Ya whats wrong? Tell me)

"Meet me at 3pm at our normal meet ups with jiyeon"

"The underground?"




Yoseob pov:
Someone threw a cold coke can on my hand i thought someone wanted to play prank on me. I turned my back ,

"Oh junhyung ah. Come sit here..."  Yoseob said and make the atmosphere for junhyung pressurized

"Yoseob ah, gwaenchana? Why do i feel so pressurized?"

"Junhyung ah.. Jiyeon....."

Junhyung pov:
While i was on my way . I knew something was quite an issue when yoseob called me with a depressed voice. And he said its about jiyeon. I thought they were bestfriends. Did something happened to jiyeon?? ......
I keep the thoughts of jiyeon running in my head since she called me using katog. It somehow bring a big affection to me... Why am i feeling this way.... Do i miss her? Nooo...

-jeng jeng jeng-

"Junhyung ah? Hyung??" Yoseob called because junhyung was out in the air right after yoseob said Jiyeon.

"Oh ne? Continue." Junhyung replied with his eyes not blinked while he gaze at the sky.

"Jiyeon is... Jiyeon is...." Yoseob was reluctant to even reveal the big secret...

"OPPAA !!!" A sweet girl screamed

Both yoseob and junhyung screamed "PARK JIYEON?!"

Junhyung then ran to jiyeon and touch her face look up and down her body!

"Jiyeon ah! You okay? Gwaenchana ?! Are you sick?"

"Oppa.... Im okay..." Jiyeon replied

But yoseob just stood there like a statue because he was really shock to find jiyeon here at her break time.

Jiyeons pov:
Its break time. But i dont feel like eating. I really miss junhyung.... *Jiyeon teared a little*
Jiyeon ah you are doing fine. Yes . "Naneun gwaenchana" (im alright)
I shall take a walk to underground.


Ohmy isnt that yoseob and junhyung? What brings them here... Wait junhyung? *holding tears*
I screamed "oppa!!"

With junhyung touching me this way... I feel like more of his arrow piercing thru my heart.. Kemanhae...
(Stop it)

"Jiyeon ah , what are you doing here on your break??!" Yoseob faked smiled and ask.

"Oh i dont feel like eating for break...." Jiyeon changes expression.

Jiyeon pulled yoseob's hand and leave junhyung hang his jaw while looking at what they're both are depressed about.

Green Yoseob
Light Blue Jiyeon
Orange Junhyung

"Ya jiyeon ! Where are you bringing me?!

" what are you trying to tell junhyung?!!"

" i was..---" yoseob got cut by jiyeon

"No oppa.. I wont be happy if junhyung broke up with hara...."

"Jiyeon ahh...."

"Gomawo Yang yoseob ..."

Suddenly a loud voice shouted at their ears !

"YA ! Why didnt you tell me you guys were dating!!? Yang yoseob you shoudnt have put pressure on me yknw !! Tell me jiyeon..."

"Ya oppa. Micheyeoso ?! "
"Ya hyung. What if anyone heard this? " 

"Just one tiny question! Are you guys really dating!!!!! " *junhyung and his cheekyness , he seems so happy!*

"Ohh... Ne oppa..." Jiyeon changes expression and act like she is dating yoseob..

Yoseob's reaction was priceless but still he acted too.

"JJINJAYO?! Omg! We must go on a double date ! Oh jiyeon have you read the news? It is true yknw!!! Im inlove with hara!"

"Yaaa oppa why didnt you tell me earlier ?! That was 5mths ago?! Some kind of a friend you are" jiyeon acted grumpy.

Yoseobs pov:
Stop acting strong jiyeonie

Jiyeon and junhyung continued their convo and yoseob said

"Hyung! Do you mind ? I need to spend time with my girlfriend kissing or something. How can i have you here??"

"Omg our yang yoseob has grown!! Ne yoseob , jiyeon! Enjoy lil couple :3 see you at the dorm !" Junhyung disturb while rubbing jiyeons hair till messy. junhyung than left the scene.

"Oppa.. Why did you do that??? " jiyeon asked to yoseob

"I hate to see you hurt----" as usual yoseob got cut by jiyeon

"Oppa i am fine . Sorry for saying we date too.. I got no choice. I gtg now. I have practice . Bye" jiyeon than ran as fast as she could frm yoseob

" YA HOW ABOUT OUR DATE ?! KISSEU? YA JIYEON AH?!" Yoseob screamed at screaming jiyeon

After that;
the three of them walking at the lonely alley thinking about their feeling.

Junhyung pov:
What is this unhappy feeling ? I should be happy for my dongsaeng that he(yoseob) and jiyeon are tgt... Yeah i am!

Jiyeons pov:
Junhyung ah... I dont want to see you anymore *tears shed*

Yoseobs pov:
Jiyeon must be happy. I was so enligthen when jiyeon acted like we are dating.. Why am i feeling this way? Why am i so happy???

thank you

with love