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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Sunday 19 January 2014, 06:21

"White Fangs"

(Hyoyeon|LightBlue , Gikwang|Green Bora|Pink , Dongwoon|Orange 

Prev chapter:


Bora and Dongwoon were suddenly surrounded by gangs

"Ya bora do you know them?!"

"No! Dongwoon get in the car now!!!!"

Current chapter;

Dongwoon was too late he got caught by the man who grabbed him and quickly closed his mouth with a cloth of Chloroform that made Dongwoon faint on the spot and was brought far from Bora while she fights the 10Men gang alone. She became exhausted after bringing down 4 strong men... They caught Bora as well. A few hours passed, Bora came to(woke up from fainting)

"ya..... What happened?....." She felt draggy because she got drugged earlier by the chloroform similarly to Dongwoon... Bora saw Dongwoon right beside her, So she woke him up.

"Dongwoon!!!!!" Dongwoon opened his eyes and screamed

"ARGH ! Bora !!! Where are we?!! Why am i always kidnapped nowadays?!! Don't tell me it is GK again??? ARGH that bastard!"

"Aniyo.. This time i am aware it is not your brother. This is a dirty old prick mafia..."

"Is this your brother's Mafia?? He want me so bad didn't he?"

"No.. I am aware it is not Phoenixel as well....."

"Then who are theyyyy...." Dongwoon whined

In a fearsome deep voice "How lucky am i? It is like killing two birds with one stone.. Although i must unite with my brothers to do this and bring out the 10 top fighters of this mafia...." She then laughed

(Sojin | Pastel Purple

Bora turned to her "Who are you?! And what is your business?!"

"Phoenixel & The Dragon King.... How Nostalgic.... But your days are gone as King Of All Mafia!" She screamed

"It seems like you aren't aware that this guy is not a Mafiater"

Authors Note:Mafia Fighter aka Gangster. Gangster sounds too... Meh so i created a new one hehe okay continue

"Oh no no no... I am aware he is the idol star's Younger Precious Little Brother"

"What is your business?!"

"We are the East, West and South of The White Fangs... And we are here to replace Phoenixel And The Dragon King as The King of all Mafia..I am basically eliminating two top mafia's.... Dad will proud of us won't he Joon, G.O ?"

(Lee Joon | Pastel Blue , G.O | Light Red )

"Ahh... I am just going to sit and watch...."

"This is boring.. How can you kidnap such a weak ass guy... Isn't there anyone to fight? Should i give that guy a torture?! Arghhh......"

"Shut up you two... I have already nudge their brothers... to come with 50 Million Won in 3hours or else they will receive the heads of this two instead.. And they have to come alone... I even ask all our unit to spy on them and prepare from outside... Miles away.. And once they are here we kill them along with this two.....And then slowly we get dad to get the throne of the most fearsome king of all Mafiaters....."

"Smart sister we have here... I can't wait to cut their head... Come here sis lets hangout." 

Three hours passed and Sojin was notified that 2 black car has passed by the entrance of the abandoned building at the southern area of Seoul. And there are no extra people other than the two Mafia heads of the East of Phoenixel and The Dragon King. Few minutes passed the two cars reached

Dujun and Gikwang got out of the car.

Gikwang is a Masked Man As in Chapter 3
"Let go of them."

Authors note: Gikwang is a masked man because he is an idol and TDK have always kept a secret of who is the head of the East District of TDK.


"Who are you guys... What is your business? You see i don't have time for all this. I am a busy man... Jaaaaa...."

"Oh Annyeong.. Thank you for coming Yoon Dujun... And Mr Mask Man you can drop that mask. We know who you are Lee GK.

And btw, We are the White fangs of the East, West and South. Your little Dongsaengs already know that don't they?"

"Now where is the 50Million Won we asked you to bring? To save your littleeeee sister/brother."

"Dujun what are you doing here?! i can handle it alone."

"Are you sure?! What the flying bird are you thinking getting pumped by a weak mafiater? You call yourself the head of West district?! Stop making me laugh. It is because of you i wasted my time."

"Hyung.... Help me Hyung..."

"You really are stupid Dongwoon." Gikwang was pissed

"Enough with the childish argue. Throw us those money already."

The both of them throw the suitcase to the three siblings. They opened both suitcase but both is stacked paper. Lee Joon was pissed and jumped infront of Dujun while G.O jumped at Gikwang because they were fooled and picked a fight. Before anything gikwang Sliced the rope from dongwoon's hand so he can run but dongwoon helped free Bora instead then Sojin jumped and Bora fights Sojin.

Gikwang and D.O fight outside the building while Dujun Sparred with Lee Joon. 

"You piss me off......." Lee Joon Punched Dujun in the face leaving him fall to the floor

"You are rude...." Dujun rise up punching Lee Joon and elbowing his spine leaves him to drop to the ground while dujun kick his ribs and turned him around

Lee Joon Rised and gave dujun a quick flare kick with 2 hits to his head causing dujun to lean to the floor and back up because lee joon carried him and threw him to the wall and smashed the old wall and through it leads dujun to fall outside the wall full of dirt.

Dujun rised head lock Lee Joon took his arm and gave lee joon 5 Knee kick at the abdominal area and one full force punch causing him to cough out blood. He took dujun and smashed him to the floor with a quick hard heading to his forehead and bruised dujuns forehead

Dujun turned tables with him and gave lee joon a knuckle slap to lee joons nose and a slam punch to his left chicks causing his nose to bleed. Lee Joon pushed dujun and kick him to his ribs full force and Knee kick dujuns spine causing him to fly to the crooked chair.


"So are you the well known GK.. Aigooo If you weren't a mafia head i would only want your signature.. But how lucky am i because at the end of the day i get to keep your head too!"

"Who are you to choose what's going to happened to me" Gikwang's scary voice behind the mask sounded

"Ofcourse i can!!!" G.O Took out his mask and put it on "Not only you who wear mask but i do too.. It is so hot in it i go crazy when i do wear it.."

G.O put on his mask and

He threw a few shurikens to Gikwang but gikwang managed to avoid it with his sword and swung it back to G.O and G.O did the same things then they both cross swords. To the left and right both their swords went and met and the craziest sounds come out. 

A few minutes after the cross the swords they both got exhausted. Gikwang take that opening chance and stabbed G.O below his right chest and blood splat but G.O didn't give up.

"I love pain. But i gotta save my energy for later." G.O decide to run and drove. Gikwang quickly jumped ontop of the hood of the car and can't move properly as G.O Drove in great high speed. He went to an open road hit a car infront of him and

Snake eyes

The car that was hit flew and was about to hit Gikwang but Gikwang managed to put his hand to the car that is flying above him. Turned and throw the flying car at the back. 

Then jumped back to the hood of the car that G.O was driving. To Gikwangs luck the engine stopped due to empty fuel. Gikwang jumped down the road and crushed the door of the car and threw D.O out the car and on the road floor

"You dare runaway." Gikwang took out his blade and swung it to G.O's chest and it pierced through his chest so near his heart causing G.O to gasps for breath. Right even the blade touches his heart gikwang took out the blade and kicked G.O to the passage way and went near to G.O's face and talked with the deepest voice through his mask

"People who wear mask. And tell people in their fight that they are a ninja mafiater but runaway after getting stabbed. I am disgusted for a person who wears it."

"Then why do you even wear mask in the first place....."

"Who needs identity when society judge them." Gikwang stood up and ran to save his brother from Phoenixel and White Fangs. He left G.O alive while gasping for breathe and passer by's aid to G.O's help.


After a long spar Bora and Sojin got exhausted.

"Ha... Why is it so hot today?!! Ohh.. Yeah back to the fight!" Sojin back flipped and before landing she managed to kick bora on her shoulder and caused bora to loose balance but still standing. Bora slide down to the floor and managed to slice kick Sojin's two legs and let her fall by her butt then bora pulled her head and did a quick crack to her neck. Sojin manage to dodge that and they both went back to face to face fighting stance.

The both of them ran full force with a punch stance and punch both their throat then both of them dropped on the floor. Sojin got full forced impact and immediately faint while bora managed to dodge but still got punched to her face full force and Bora dropped to the floor and got blurry visions for a couple of minute but she tried not to faint but still lying down weak on the floor.

Gikwang is still outside dealing with hundreds of small fries of the White Fang while Dujun and Lee Joon is still inside sparring.


Lee Joon and Dujun got exhausted after sparring for long hours. Then Lee Joon took out his weapon. A Pistol.

"You know what i am tired of waiting for you to die. I shall just shoot you."

"Ohh.. Now you want to get serious?! I will too! Shoot me.. Here.. Come on." Dujun teased Lee Joon to shoot him. Dujun said that because he can dodge any bullets but as for Lee Joon;

"I am aware of your specialty of stopping a bullet...." Lee Joon turned to Bora and then he pulled the trigger! Dujun eyes buldge like never before he ran to the bullet and then 

"YOON DUJUNNNNNNN!!!!!" Bora screamed after she managed to sit down and then she saw her brother taking the bullet just to save her. 

"Gwaenchanayo Bora.. I will be fine...." Dujun dropped on the floor with his blood flowing out non-stop. Bora ran weakly towards her brother

"Ya.... This is a very sad moment but imma shoot you now !" Lee Joon laughed evil-ly

"Not so fast Lee Joon... The Dragon King's midnight crusher... I should've just let you die after getting stabbed by the Mafia Head of Phoenixel, Bora... "

Authors note: Lee Joon was a TDK top fighter in chapter two. But he was actually a spy from white fangs.

"Lee GK... I am honored that you reveal who you are without being aware i survived even after being stabbed. And you quickly asked the rest to save the Top 5 fighter of TDK. You made my job easy....."

"Now. For breaking the rules of TDK and making me pissed. This is for you." Gikwang took out his sword that is full of blood after fighting the small fries. Swing the sword to clear the blood and got into a fighting stance.

imagine the girl in gif lee joon
Lee joon took both gikwang's sword in a flash and gikwang manage to dodge all his moves and not even 2 minutes. Gikwang flash his small blade hidden in his costume he went close to Lee Joon. The he stabbed him piercing through his heart and both gikwang sword fell on gikwangs body and to the floor.

"Don't play with The Dragon King." Gikwang grabbed Dongwoon and threw him into the car and then drove off without finishing Phoeniexel because he was aware that dujun got shot.



"I am fine Bora....."

"I thought you hated me....Why did you take the shot.." She cried 

"I guess... I have to tell you the truth huh?"

"Don't talk.... You have to stay alive........" Bora said while she cried

"Bora... I never hate you... I know all this while i seem hateful because dad chose you to be the head of the west phoenixel. Why do you think i want to eliminate you from becoming the head of the west. Kept on bugging you to stop being the head. And threathen you that i do all this for money? Saying that if i own both districts i will be richer.... Why do you think i do all that...

By eliminating did you think i meant killing you and sacrificing you for money? No bora.. i have always cared for you. I don't want you to fight and get involve in this Mafia thing that dad brought down to us. I don't want to loose you while you are out fighting......

I am always worrying about you while im out for jobs and dealing with other things... I have always been near you to makesure you are safe... Mom told me this before you you were born.. Mom told me to take care of you. because she knows... She knows... I loved you... *Dujun coughed blood* I know you are strong but have you seen how much lives dad had slayed infront of our eyes just to get his precious childrens in their hands? They'ed do anything to get ontop like dad did. They show no mercy.. It is good enough that The Dragon King and White Fangs spared your life. If Not... I couldn't live. 

For a guy that have never showed you affection for what he truly feels.... I did that so you'd be stronger than me. I teased you so that you will train more to become stronger. I made you hate me. Because hate makes you more stronger and powerful.... My little sister... Yoon Bora... I want to protect you until the very end.... But i can't. 

Yaaa.. Whats with this emotional talk..."

"Yoon Dujun.... Shut your mouth........ You have to live....." Bora cried even harder and louder after listening what dujun said..

"YA.. Still dare not call me Oppa?! You know... I've always wanted to----" Dujun got cut

"Oppa.... Oppaa.... Oppa....." Bora cried really really badly

"Uri dongsaengie........" He smiled and then Dujun blacked out...

"DUJUN OPPA!! DUJUN OPPA WAKE UP!!!!!!!" Bora cried and cried and cried and luckily the ambulance and all the police man came and Bora and Dujun was sent to the hospital. Dujun was sent straight to the emergency room while bora is being treated in the A & E room.

Meanwhile in the car,

Gikwang took out his mask.

"Don't hangout with that girl anymore... You are giving me problems."

"Who are you to stop me?!"

"Stop putting your life in danger. I told you that Dujun already knew right? Why are you putting me in a life and death situation as well?!"

"You don't know Bora! Besides Dujun has already got shot!"

"I don't care about that. His father might just make his move and if he does. I am as good as dead do you know that?!"

"Shut up hyung!" Suddely dongwoon got kicked out of the car

"I am going back to work and deal with the scandal and controversy and make things at home better. I am not coming home today. You little...... rascal."

Gikwang race of back to Square entertainment.

(Dongwoon&Gikwangs Mom | Pastel Green )

"Ya.... I am now all dirty and beaten up.... I must call bora... " Dongwoon tried to call her but it seems that her car has not been retrieved because of what had happened. Dongwoon Enter the house.

"LEE DONGWOON! WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!!!!" His mother nagged but dongwoon couldnt tell her the truth so he said

"I went out with my friends omma.. Stop nagging..." Dongwoon turned and saw hyoyeon watching TV


"Omma stop nagging !! Nuna can hear you.."

Dongwoon's mom kept nagging and nagging. A few moment after they ate dinner together.. Dongwoon looked at Hyoyeon while eating

"Umm... Nuna... Sorry if i asked this question.. But are you perhaps scared of ghost.. That is why you are here?"

Hyoyeon got pissed but ignored Dongwoon

"Ya Dongwoon. Don't you give her anymore problems after what your hyung did to her. escort her home later after she get her bag back from her coach."

"Oh.. Okay..."

Dongwoon then went to his room and rested while thinking of Bora. He decide to call Bora again...However Bora didn't pick up. His mom walked in to dongwoon's room and

"This is Dongwoon's room. I almost forgot to show you around the house. Here talk to Dongwoon. I am going to make you drinks..."

"Gwaenchanayo Mrs Lee... It is a burden!"

"Ya.. It is okay. Sit here ne? I will comeback." Hyoyeon sat at Dongwoon's Computer Chair

"Nice room." Hyoyeon said

"Yeah thanks."

"Where'd you go? You were lying to your mum didn't you?"

"Uh... Oh... Nuna... What are you talking about??"

"You didn't go out with your friends right? You look rather traumatized.. What happened?"

"Ah... Umm... Aniyo Nuna... I really did go out with my friends.. We went to watch horror kidnapping movies......"

Dongwoon quickly changed the topic

"Hyoyeon Nuna... Just Now morning i saw you figure skating? Are you in Team Gems?? The leading team of South Korea?? You were really good.."

"Yeah i am in Team Gems. Why are you changing the topic. You were still lying to me!"

"Nuna.... Relax.... No one is lying.. Are you okay? It seems like you are worried about me? Nuna.. Is caring isn't she?" Dongwoon laughed Hyoyeon left the room with a straight face

"Nuna! Nuna! Eodiga ?! (where are you going) I have not finish talking to you yet! Nuna!"

Hyoyeon left because she wasn't aware that she is asking Dongwoon those questions. It seemed like she is cliquing well with dongwoon but she doesn't want to show that she is okay with him being friends with her. Dongwoon chased Hyoyeon

"Nuna....." Dongwoon put his hands to her shoulder she turned and ignore Dongwoon.


"Could you keep this a secret?" Dongwoon and her sit by the garden of his house


"I actually did lie... I got hooked by a Mafiater.. I am a victim..... And i was kidnapped just now...." Hyoyeon turned with buldging eyes

"What?!! And you are okay? What happened?!!" Dongwoon didn't want Anyone to know about gikwang and bora so he twisted the story

"Because i am an Idol Star's little brother i was kidnapped by a Mafiaster and wanted to sell me to a tycoon. But i was lucky i am saved by a hero."

"Yaaa.. You just got kidnapped?!! How are you fine?!"

"Nuna relaxed.. i am saved. And the Masked Hero trust me with the secret of not reporting or anything and he will always protect me!"

Hyoyeon was speechless but Dongwoon smiled at her and then

"Yaa.. It seems like both of you are getting along well.. Hyoyeon ah. I think you should sleep here tonight. Your coach called that he can't come tonight...He will pass it to you tomorrow instead.
You can sleep in Gikwang's room tonight. He won't be home.."

"I am sorry Mrs Lee.. I won't be choosy. I'll do as you say...."

"It is okay.. This is all Gikwangs fault. Wait me in the kitchen ne?"


"OMMA! You just said gikwangs name infront of her!!!" Dongwoon Screamed but whispered

"Gwaenchana. She knows. Go on to your room. Don't peak on girls or i will crush your head.."

"Ya omma. She is my nuna. and she is my friend. I am not a pervert! You should beware of appa!"

"AIGOO this kid! Go to sleep. You and Hyoyeon have lots of things to deal with tomorrow at school!"

Mrs Lee then show gikwangs room to Hyoyeon and Gave her clothes to wear to sleep

"Gomawoyo Mrs Lee.... "

"Call me Omma... Kyaa i always wanted a daughter... From now on treat me like a mother... Sleep well princess... You are so beautiful" She touched hyoyeons face and smiled then left to sleep

Hyoyeon was shocked with the gesture... Tear's rolled down her cheeks.. Hyoyeon cried because she had never felt a mothers love.. She cried to sleep.

Meanwhile in the hospital,

The police wanted a report from Bora but she refused to talk. she ran away from the police and waited infront of the operation room waiting for her brother and is keeping the fact that they are both Mafia's . Bora was left alone afterwards and she started crying outside the room then the doctors came out from the room, Bora stood up and was scared of the looks from the doctor..

"DOCTOR! IS MY BROTHER OKAY ?! IS MY BROTHER OKAY?!!!! " She cried and shouted 

The Doctor : " We need more time...."

"Doctor save my brother..... How many percent of him surviving this operation......" She cried

The Doctor: "85% He might die from this operation. Because his lungs took an impact after the bullet went through his bones breaking his ribs. I hope you stay strong Miss."

Bora cried and cried non-stop.

Chapter wrap:

In this chapter 

Will Dujun make it alive ? Or will he die and Bora regrets because he dies right before they make up as siblings? 

Will Hyoyeon be able to change personality after receiving kind gesture from Mrs Lee and calm her heart and finally be friendly? Staytuned for chapter six.

Authors note:

I know there are quite a number  of Authors note on top. But i didn't want you guys to get confused. So sorry for a short chapter. Fyi the fighting scenes and the masked man gif they are from G.I Joe Retaliation 2 Movie scenes. Just imagined they are the casts of the following story lines. Do comment on what you think of this chapter and subscribe if your haven. Also follow me on @mysteryb2uty on instagram for more sneaks and updates on the upcoming chapter and other fanfics! Thanks again for reading !!!! Lovessssssss

thank you

with love