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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Saturday 25 January 2014, 12:09


Prev Chapter:

"Alright go go go!"

They put their ears to the container and heard TOP, Bom, GD and Cp. Dujun playing Nun, Ko, Hyo like kids loudly. They purposely did that to exhaustion so that by any chance the platinum team is there, they would hear.

"Let's enter quietly !!!"

They entered the room and everyone was relieved and stopped playing that game loudly and stopped. Everyone is now free from being cuffed. They all ran to the door and tried to open the door, however it is locked and they were unable to open the door. 

Current Chapter:


"Yaaa...Eottoghe???? Did you guys get caught ?!"

"Aniyo. We totally didn't!!! No one saw us..." The platinum , B2NG and the captain look at each other and listen to whats outside.

"It sounds like someone is fighting though..."

"But who???" They sat calmly inside the container even with being aware how much danger their life will be in there. 

"It is okay guys. We will be fine." B2NG & Cp. Dujun sat calmly while VI24 (Seungri's group code) felt odd because they never really get a mission so critical as if they were Golds. They are only Platinum.

"I am sorry to be rude. But isn't it time we panicked? i know you guys are experienced in this type of missions that VI24 never get pointed for. We are locked in an abandoned container. They might always be able to bomb us or even ship us or lock us forever....." Minzy whined and started to move about to find a way out

"Platinum Minzy. I order you to stop as the Leader of this War. There is nothing to panic about. Be professional"

"How is it that---" Minzy got cut

"Number one rule before signing the contract of Geonation. All missions are life & death risks.
Number two, if you are the elite forces of geonation. Comeback alive completed the mission or don't comeback at all
Afterall, Why do you hear fighting outside? So loud and clear that there is someone here to save us from being dead. 
Why would NSS and NSS soldier fight for saving their own enemies? in this case Geonation agents. Don't that make enough sense for your head?"

"Arghh..." Minzy when

"After being captain for 15 years i never thought there are some platoons that act like trainee. I am not bragging how long i have been captain. But as your captain. I am capable of increasing or decreasing your strength and i have the rights to do anything to you based on company rules and regulations.

Platinum Minzy VI24, By the end of this mission if you can prove to me you are worthy of this war i will promote VI24 to Gold. 
But if you fail.

 I am sorry you will be extracted from VI24 and back to trainee. I do this not because i hate that you act this way but i want you to train and know the meaning of surviving in this industry and always be ready on what is coming your way. 
Do you understand me?!" 

Cp. Dujun got so serious towards Minzy because he never thought there are still people who don't take their job seriously. And with the rank of Platinum acting like she is a trainee

"Yes sir. I thank you for appointing my mistakes. I will continue to grow and be stronger" 

"I am sorry captain for her behavior. You can punish me as well."

"Enough. We need to stay calm."

"Cp Dujun any signals from your side?"

"No. I still cannot figure out who is fighting who."

B2NG X Cp. Dujun was sitting calmly and was also actually listening to who is fighting but they pretty much know that people that is fighting is on their side.

"I hear Cp. Youngbae."

"Good TOP keep up."

"Omo!" Bom suddenly jumped because a big sound just hit to boms ear as if someone got thrown right outside towards the container.

They all sat calmly. After a few moments of waiting. The door finally opened. It was really dark At about 4A.M after all the ruckus.

"Ya. Did you forget about us?" Said Cp. Won bin. The NSS X Geonation captain that they were suppose to have meeting with B2NG and VI24 for the War layout

Cp. Lee Ha Yi : "Cp. Dujun. I thought you knew all along that Youngbae is not on Geonation's side?"

Cp. Wonbin: "We are sorry that we are late. We did a few research on Youngbae and was aware of the meeting. We reached Geonation about 12midnight but was notified that you guys followed cp. youngbae. And platinum platoons that are suppose to participate in the meeting followed too

Cp. Lee Ha Yi: "We knew it isn't right but we waited for about an hour however you guys didn't show up and when the research of the rumors of youngbae being the NSS Chief's nephew we quickly search for all of you. Sorry if we are late. We had problems entering this NSS Crime Jail without our NSS uniform and Card."

Cp. Ilhoon : "What were you doing all along Cp. Dujun? Our mission of Geonation captains entering NSS is to gather information everyday and keep Geonation updated. But you yourself is outdated."

Authors note: Cp. Dujun and Cp. Ilhoon is a rival in jobs but they are good friends

"You guys call yourself captains? You guys are a week too late. Its freaking 4a.m "

Cp. Ilhoon walk to cp. dujun grabbed his suit collar and 

Cp. Ilhoon: "Be grateful you spoilt brat!"

"Captains i think we need to get out of here before all the rest of the NSS platoons come here and stop us!"

B2NG, VI24, Cp. Dujun , Cp. Ilhoon, Cp. Lee Ha Yi, Cp. Wonbin: "10-81 scatter".
They all scattered as fast as they could and raced back to geonation. The NSS crime jail was quite far from Geonation. They reached back at Geonation with Top's Super car and Cp. Wonbin's super car. They fit all 11 people in two cars.

Meanwhile Geonation Japan,


NSS Trio Jiyeon Myungsoo and L woke up from sleep and washed up for early Geonation training. Advance from bronze to platinum training because this Trio was taken in when they were already NSSX Gold. The highest rank in NSS but they need to go through a different training and everything about Geonation is different.

CL woke up from her sleep. Still in her apartment. 

"Goodmorning CL !" CL smirked looking in the mirror in her imagination whereas she is still rolling in her soft bed

suddenly CL received a call 

"Yobeosoyo ?"


"Who are you?"

"It is me Myungsoo."

"Oh Myungsoo what is it?"

"Umm.. Did something happen between you and L?"

"uhh... umm... why?"

"L seems depressed this few days. What happened? Jiyeon and i are curious. As he is not training properly. If he doesn't, it will be harder for us to get promoted."

"Leave that to me." CL exclaimed then she quickly pick her clothes and quickly go out to work.

In Geonation , Japan. Office,

"Konnichiwa. Shusho (Captain/chief in japanese) "

"Ohayou, CL. Watashi wa dono yo ni tasukete mo yoi ka? (Morning, CL. How may i help you? )"

"Watashi wa Kankoku kara no atarashi torio o kunren dekimasu ka Shusho sama? (Captain, May i train the new trio from South Korea?) " 

"Anata wa sore o okonau koto ga dekimasu ka? Anata ga kanzen ni oka shita koto ga arimasu ka?(Are you able to do it? Have you completely cure?) "

"Haik Shusho sama (Yes captain/chief)"

"Wakarimashita. Ue ni ikuto yoi shigoto o shite kudasai, CL. (Alright then. Go on and please do a good job, CL.) "

"Arigatou Gozaimasu (Thank you very much). 10-81 Scatter"

Meanwhile at the training grounds of Geonation Japan. Sparring Hall.

"Sorry for the wait , Trio. I had to go get approval just now. Today onwards i will be your trainer. And i won't be Mr nice guy.."

L looked up and got shocked.


"You what?"

"Unnie are you out of your mind?"

"Don't be rude to your captain. Give me 35 One hand push up now. DOWN DOWN DOWN" The whole situation and atmosphere changes. CL is a fearsome captain even Myungsoo and Jiyeon was taken aback and L was too and suddenly L's depressed face were gone from his face. It became a scared and nervous face instead.

"I don't like this atmosphere ! COUNT LOUDLY!!!!! DOWN DOWN DOWN!!!!"

The trio did as CL say. And the noisiest training room is coming out from where CL is training . Everyone was shocked and it became the talk of the town.

"Karera wa CL de kunren o uke eru tame ni totemo fuundearu....(They are so unlucky to get trained by CL....)" Said the trainees of Geonation japan and all other captains and it is all written on their face that they feared CL.

The trio was pushed to train super hard. A few hours later.

"I am giving you 2minutes to eat your lunch. No whining. This is training. In real war we won't have time to eat. so if you have the chance. Consume anything as fast as you can!!!!"

CL gave them an Already Bad Bimbimbap to eat in 2minutes.

"CL... Mam... This is bad.. and smelly..."



"Eat up." CL timed them. They eat just like barbarians.... Jiyeon's mouth is full of bad smelly rice and she still have half more and she is left with 25 seconds. Jiyeon cried while eating while Myungsoo and L finished and stopped.


CL's face becomes really pissed.. She pulled jiyeons collar and went as close to her face.

CL's scary voice entered Jiyeons ear " I told you to eat within how many seconds?!!"

Jiyeon crying and sniffing "1Min and 30 seconds mam......"

"HOW many seconds....." CL tighten her jaws

"90seconds MAM!....."

CL pushed Jiyeon down. And Jiyeon cried on Myungsoo.

"You know why i did all this?!!! Whats the purpose of training?!!!"

"No mam."

"You have no idea?! Yet you are a gold agent?!!!!

This is training! Training for war. Training for your life ! and you complain?!!!! Do you know what i noticed in this trio?!!!"

"No mam..."

"WHERE IS YOUR TEAM WORK?! Do you know when we trained as B2NG in here with captain Jihyo. I did the same thing as Jiyeon. But unlike you guys my teammate help me eat together with me. Help me finish it. Help me use their time.... YET you didn't get this training?! 

Oh so you only think shortly that. Mam said we have to train to consume anything at any matters of time in the war. You just do that. Why aren't you sharing? You want your comrade to die of hunger?!!! Think about that until i comeback here. You all better finish another packet of bad fried rice in 1 minute........ CALM her down. I HATE IT when people cry." CL when out the room 

"Myungsoo. Take care of Jiyeon i will talk to her....." Then a man stop him

"Wait don't go!"

"What why?"

"Why do you think she is training you like that?"

"Because she is pissed with me?"

"No it is not like that... CL is already like that from the first time she trains a trainee platoon. CL mam has 2 personality. She immediately change to that when she trains. So nothing will object her. She does it her own way. And look on the wall of fame. All those TOP 1- 10 Platoons are trained by her. However they went through more hell then this. So basically when CL mam turn into a trainer.... All hell breaks loose....." L's & The geonation agent's goosebumps.... Suddenly the Agent flung to the wall and cracks the old paint because CL kicked him hardly

"Platinum KOMAMORU! What are you doing in my training grounds talking to my trainee!!!! GET BACK TO WORK!!!!" L's eyes bulged and chills all around his body

CL stared into L's eyes

"Where are you exactly going? To the toilet?! Who said you could leave the square?!!!!!" CL punched his face and he fell on the ground

"Sorry mam!!" L run upside down back to where myungsoo and jiyeon was

They continued the training from Dawn to the next dawn...

"Dismissed." CL finally smiled and sighed

The trio was in a really really bad condition Bruises all around their body. Broken bones. Stomache flu & Infection vomiting everywhere on the ground.. Their condition is more bad then anyone from the war. All their clothes were torn. Hair all frizzy and dirty. They were showered with mud. Jiyeon immediately fainted one second after they were dismissed while myungsoo and L continued vomiting. 



"Call for medic.." CL talk through the announcer

A few hours after CL went to visit the trio

"Mianhe..... Jiyeon.. L... Myungsoo....." The trio didn't answer her..


They start to whine and cry

"Unnie..... Andwaeyooo... I am terrified......" Jiyeon immediately cried and broke down. Even with her face covered with cuts and bruises and broken leg hanging.

"CL... Ah..... Andwaeyo... My eyeball is going to come out.....from vomiting..." Myungsoo got ultimate stomache infection and stomache bleeding and with one broken arm and leg.. he couldn't move properly

"Andwaeyo CL.. Andwaeyo!!!" L literally breathe in and out and talked like a dork with his wrapped head and broken neck also broken leg hanging....

"Good then... How was the training? Many others gone through worst... I have to admit.. Someone is at the verge of dying... But i exempted her for a couple of months and trained her seperately..."

"I'm not surprised CL ah..." 

CL then took a picture of the three of them on the beds of the Geonation Hospital and sent it to GD with the caption;

"Ya. Look what i did again. Btw how is it going? Is the mission going fine?"



[The time when they all escaped from NSS crime jail] ,

They all finally reached Geonation with sweats all over looking so burnt out and was greeted by Q YHS at 5A.M in the morning

Q YHS: "Whatever happened to all of you??"

"Q sir, We were kidnapped by Cp. Youngbae because we thought he was still on Geonation's side but however we found out that he is the Nephew off NSS chief---" Gd got cut

Q YHS : "My brother already made a move didn't he? Now stop whatever you are doing. I am going there alone and admit defeat to my brother. And bring peace to our family, Seoul & Geonation."

Everyone was left with a Jaw dropping speech from Q Yang Hyun Suk.

"Q, We will be by your back and support you from all the sword that will point on your back later in NSS. Even if it cause our lives. We will never turn our backs on Geonation. Our family. And we always knew you had good deeds. And for that, After we are back from this war in one piece. We all will help you find your daughter who went missing because of the kidnapped."

"We promise sir. Hence, Let us participate with you to bring back the honor of the Yang family and Restore, South Korea."

They all look at each other with full of spirits and courage

Q YHS: "I see now you all get the message and broke the code i've been hinting eversince you were still a trainee..... Now you know why Geonation take in Rejects, Rebels, Convicts, Dangerous people, Hopeless people and people who felt pain, People who lost the courage to live. I want to help them... Build up and yes i made a family."

Top then said this sarcastically "However doing training we killed alot of innocence lives....--" Top got cut

Q YHS: "That was.... By accident? Maybe its their fate?"

"Q sir, it is not funny...."

Q YHS: "I was evil before B2NG was made.. Hahaha, But you guys changed my way. We are Geonation, We are family. And i am your father. I will protect Geonation and South Korea no matter what circumstance.. 
Omma, Appa... I will bring back Hyung and we will meet in heaven... In peace. I will recreate the Yang family."

They all walk courageously to the meeting room and continued to plan forward and to train harder before the day they will Declare war with NSS.

Meanwhile in NSS,

Cp. Youngbae: "Yang Jun Suk chief......"

Chief of NSS Yang Jun Suk: "Any good news youngbae? i can't wait to see the face of those puny top agents you just captured... With them hurt. I can eliminate my brother and proceed to eliminate South Korea..."

Cp. Youngbae: "Uncle... i.... i......"

Chief Yang Jun Suk: "Chief the agents have escaped..."

Chief of NSS, Yang jun suk enlarged his eyes. Took Cp. Youngbae shirt and pulled him close to his face

Chief Yang Jun Suk: "What have you been doing letting them escaped? I already prepared to provoke Geonation with their dead bodies that if he ever declare war to me.. He'll not win."

Cp. Youngbae: "I am afraid... Geonation will activate...."

Chief Yang Jun Suk: "What do you mean by that Youngbae?! So you let them escaped because you don't want them to activate? Activate what??? They are weak. What do they have under their sleeves?!! We NSS is trusted by the South Korea and we have all the Soldiers in Korea... All they have a is tiny guild... at such an abandoned area here..."

Cp. Youngbae: "Uncle.. Firstly the NSS Crime Jail elite unit was beaten up badly along with me... And by activate i mean.. All geonation guides from all around the world will come and recruit.. for any war or any thing that puts A single guild on verge of loosing......" The chief widen his eyes and sweats 

About Geonation 

Authors note: As said by Cp. Youngbae; If geonation decides to activate it means all the platoons of Geonation from all around the world will come and aid for any Geonation that activates because they are at the verge of loosing anything serious like War. So in chapter 2 of Code To Life  Q YHS did mention this to Park Bom. Only one recruit from all the different groups of Geonation will know what "Activate" means in Geonation language. In this case, Park Bom from B2NG and unfortunately Youngbae is the one who knows out of other members of his former group, TA3SUN(One of the Geonation groups).

Geonation was found by :

Name: Yang Hyun Suk

D.O.B: 1933

Nationality: North Korean

The general history before he found Geonation is that he Started Geonation because he wanted to bring back his brother to the family. However it was actually made because Yang Hyun Suk pity those people who loose their families, A look down on society, a needy person. And to make it up to what North Korean made to the South Koreans Yang Hyun Suk decide to start an Organization to 'silently help them' but with a motto of stopping NSS but Yang Hyun Suk have helped alot of people and the Organization grew. But he didn't want anybody to know his intentions. So he made them do dirty jobs such as stealing money. And all those underground missions which made him earn millions. But slowly Yang Hyun Suk's heart became softer and he decides to open the organization to everyone around the world and got in contact with all the people who could open the guild in their country and continue the legacy of Yang Hyun Suk. 

At the same time he still tries his best to stop his brother from doing such a despicable thing like ruling Korea. And killing innocent lives. Geonation is actually an Organisation to save the poor from hunger. The lowlife to feel happy and was made a happy family guild. Yang Hyun Suk never had any intentions to kill the troops while training. Since he wanted to hide all this, Those that he knows will never survive. He killed them before they made any bonds. Because even if he keep them alive geonation would be expose. And that is Yang Hyun Suk's only worry. Since NSS has already put an X on Geonation. It can't be helped that Geonation is South Korea's biggest enemy.

B2NG Geonation

Yang Hyun Suk saw alot of potential on this independent group while bringing them up when he was in his 40s.. While the kids were still about 8-10 Years old. He seen it in their parents but their parents life were cut short. But left a valuable legacy that took on their dreams. That is to bring peace to both the brothers, to help each other live their dreams and they live the dreams of Yang Hyun Suk that is to help everyone. Be it they need it or not. They will always be there. However their past was darker then their bright days. Yang Hyun Suk never failed to feel guilty giving them dirty missions. But everyday he never failed to protect B2NG from danger.

B2NG is everything for Yang Hyun Suk and He always protects them. B2NG is a target by many because of their invisibility. And Yang Hyun Suk was ready to let them take over Geonation if anything ever happens to him. Unable to achieve their dreams. They followed Yang Hyun Suk eversince they are young and have always been a role model to all of them. Yang Hyun Suk have B2NG at times like war. And now they are helping him end the war and bring peace to the countries. If they all survived the last resorts. Yang Hyun Suk will let them go after they manage to find his daughter. What's important now is for them to survive the war and if they do. They can find his daughter at ease and let their dreams come true. Yang Hyun Suk will tell the world about B2NG and hoped that they bring down Geonation to many of their Generations so that they can maintain the peace and protect then help all people that are in need.

Hours after Cp. Youngbae explained what he meant by Geonation "Activate" it gaves Yang Jun Suk a nightmare. He is sweating all over and his body starts to shiver and his voice shakes

Chief Yang Jun Suk: "Leave me..... alone......"

Cp. Youngbae: "Shall i make a meeting with all the rest of the NSSX Gold? Uncle?"

His uncle slammed the table with his old wrinkled hands however still really strong and started to shout

Chief Yang Jun Suk: "WHAT DO YOU THINK? GO HOME AND CRY?!! GO NOW AND ANNOUNCE EMERGENCY MEETING AT 10AM LATER! GO NOW YOUNGBAE!!!!" The chief started to scratch his head and felt shaken by what youngbae told him about Geonation and he never thought of that. He have always thought that Geonation is a tiny guild.

Meanwhile in Geonation meeting room,

Q. YHS: "Do you understand my plan?"

"But sir, you want us to go directly and openly unprotected???"

Q YHS: " Well i am protected aren't i?"

"Aigooo this oldman.."

Q YHS: "I may be old... but i can hear you Park Bom !! 24 Push ups now!!!!"

"Mianhe Sir !" Park Bom immediately did the push ups

"Back to the plan sir. We will be happy to do what you say---" Dujun got cut

"Not without wearing this bulletproof outfit i have been working on." Wonbin smirked

"Wow, And i can improve that suit. Cp. Wonbin will we work together then?"

Q.YHS: "Great. Now what are you waiting? Get going! This 2 days we will prepare!"

"Sir.. why did you change the timing?"

Q YHS: "Maybe you guys need to train more. " Q laughed hysterically 

After everyone cleared the room,

"Top go with Cp. Wonbin to work on the suits. Bom go train your medic skills and time it. We need faster cure. CL....." GD stopped While they look at him and walked away

"Nuna... Usually CL & GD will train together.. But her absence must have left GD feeling empty..."

"Tabi ah... Don't ever get hurt and make me feel like GD okay?"

"Well if i get hurt. I have Doctor Bom to save me..." Top smirked

Top kissed her forehead suddenly "I'll get going my love. Take care." He smiled sweetly

"Yaa... We are at work..." Top touches boms cheeks and left with a sexy stare he gave at the end that melts bom to the ground. She blushed and walked to the lab.

While GD sits depressed in the meeting room and suddenly he received a text message from CL,

(CL then took a picture of the three of them on the beds of the Geonation Hospital and sent it to GD with the caption;)

"Ya. Look what i did again. Btw how is it going? Is the mission going fine?"

"Oh... Wow.. Is that your doing? You are healthy again?!"

CL replied quickly

"Is everything okay? Your reply seems late.. Busy?"

"Alot had happened.. I just got back from being kidnapped and meeting for the NSS & Geonation Declaring War in the next 2 Days.. Q is joining us too. We are the frontline battle ninja's though."

"That old man is going to join?!!"

"Yea.. *GD told the plans*"

"That.. was.. a shortbrained ... plan..." CL was shocked from what GD told her

"Too bad you were hurt. You can't join us here...."

"Then i will be back in a flash."

"Andwaeyo.. Stay there CL. It is too dangerous here. We will be fine."

"Reading your plans already scare the shit out of me and you still dare say you guys were doing fine?"

"CL.. Trust us this time will you? Stay there and rest! I don't want you to get hurt anymore!!!!!!!"

"Jiyong... I will be back.."

Gd was panicking and he called CL but she didn't pick up. 

He didn't know what to do afterwards. And has been thinking about the day she saved him from the bullet that was pointed directly at his heart. That day never passed GD's mind since then.

Chapter Wrap:

Wil CL comeback to Geonation Korea? Or can GD stop her from being in the war and risk her life for him again? Do Staytuned!

Authors Note:

I'm sorry for the really long wait. I was really busy and have been Updating Break-free because it is an easy fic. Code To Life however needs to be concentrated. Btw Do follow me on instagram for more sneaks on the next chapter http://www.instagram.com/mysteryb2uty or @mysteryb2uty . Thank you for reading loves !

thank you

with love