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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Wednesday 25 December 2013, 01:09

" His Adamant love "

Previous Chapter:

GD stopped to get a drink and the rest went first, then he received the message from L.

Current chapter:


Gd read the text message he received from L while drinking the cup of caffeine he got from the vending machine in Geonation Korea.


What did that idiot do.... what does he mean tell her im sorry.... ughhh !! If he was in korea i would beat him up right now... CL......... 


Crying CL sobbing all the way. Feeling very miserable that she couldnt confess her true feelings to GD because she is scared that it will destroy their friendship in every way. Suddenly, her old phone light up and a strange outsider(not from japan) number is dialling her number...

Out of curiousity CL picked up,

"Yobeoseyo (with her slang and saddest voice) "

"CL... are you crying again?"

Out of shock she threw the phone on her bed and still heard the voice from her phone calling out to her

CL's pov:

What.. am i dreaming... but.. how?~

she went to take her phone and put it at her ear as it turned out that it is GD that called.

"He... he... hey..."

"Tell me are you crying again?"

"Um... no... um... im just shocked... h... h... how did you connect to my old number?..."

"I saved it all along chaerin. You were the one who told me you will only use it when you're in your apartment.."

"how did you know that im here....?"

"Lets talk about that later. Are you alright? how's your wound? has it healed completely?"

"Stop nagging....haha~"

"Stop making me worry.. Chaerin."

"I worry you? "

"You worry me alot... i feel like im responsible of you.."

"shush don't say that ! what are you talking about. hmmm now im considering to tell your girlfriend that you are such a lady killer!"

"We broke up..."

"WHAT?! What happened?!"

"Long story, listen i want you to feel better right now. I don't want you to cry anymore. rest well! See you soon! (GD mumbled softly so CL can't hear)"

"What did you mumble just now???"

"(GD Mumbled softly, "ILOVEYOU" but CL still cant hear and he quickly put down the phone)"

CL's pov:

If it isn't him who would make my day..... Thank you god for his existence...
But seriously what did he mumble at the end?!

CL smiled her way to sleep after she clean the mess she made by crying and kept everything in place but slept hugging her DV.


GD's feelings:



"Ya ! what are you doing there drinking coffee? we already gathered the platinums! get Captain Dujun !"

"Huh? Oh ya, right. incoming." GD running like an airplane towards the announcement office to call for Captain Dujun

"what is up with that guy? "

"It must be because it is meeting at 2 AM in the morning?"

"Kekekekeke!" Bom and TOP laughed talking about their fellow member and entered the meeting room back

GD got back with Captain Dujun and Started their briefing on the attack


"Good layout, but what is the probability of me to get the information of the other 4 of the NSS/Geonation Captain to help us on this war?"

"We did some research and it turns out that all 5 of you entered Geonation first and then NSS at the follow up missions. Probability 4/5 "

"No doubt. You are one smart Alec, alright continue whatever you need me to gather."

"Here is what we need you to do captain dujun;

Help us find out if captain Taeyang, ilhoon, Lee hayi and won bin is reliable for this mission, and updates of their current position in NSS. Any leaking of our discussion, I'm sorry captain you will be up for questions and jailed until we gather the right information and if it is you who leaked it. You will immediately be prosecuted.

On our side we will keep update of the war with you at all times using the TSHOCK7000 TOP created, this ear walkie talkie will be activated using mind transfer. So we will know your current situation and basically your physical self we can see where you are what you are doing and etc by using that device. Tshock has already been officially approve by the science innovation department after a few test. So worry about nothing. If you are able to complete this mission we will continue our Annihilation plan to destroy NSS for good and bring justice to Q and his brother. 

Captain dujun, I hereby you are 100% reliable and bullet proof of this mission based on your honourable rank and skills."

"I accept your mission. 10-81 scatter" after captain dujun have exited the room for mission, GD briefed the platinum group of their mission if captain dujun succeeded and plan b if he doesn't succeed.

" Plan B is if captain dujun failed, we will carry his mission with the risk of being caught in plan and be forced to back out last minute and retreat. How, we first will discover the possible exits before entering and then when retreating use all the exit 2 by 2."

"What if we can't gather any information regarding this annihilation plan?"

" We will test the reliability of all Geonation Agents before training. Using the lie detecter and BrainReader 81 Top created to prevent lies and carry out the front line classic attack."

"If fail to do so?"

"Then it is the end of Geonation."

"Without further a do, we have 3weeks duration lets all work on the mission. Platinum MINZY work on the Tools with TOP. Platinum Daesung work on your medic skills with BOM. Platinum seungri follow me for plan expanding and gathering of troops, platinum Lydia I need you to assist me and seungri and we can work on our sparring skills. Any questions? "

"No sir!" (Everyone)

"10-81 scatter!!"

Everyone worked on the mission with speed like lightning after GD point out to what they have to do.

Meanwhile Geonation Japan dorm,


"It's been awhile since we took some fresh air. How is your arm doing dear?"

"It is healing. I am a strong woman you know" Jiyeon talking about the injury she got , back in chapter 6 before they came to know that NSS has scammed them and joined Geonation.

"I'm glad my baby is healing. How was your training? Is it tough?"

"The tougher the training the stronger I will get! They really have amazing ways of training. No wonder I had a different vibe when I fought CL back at black paradise. CL seems very strong and a powerful opponent for me if I fought without weapon. But now, I'm as good as invisible!"

"Really, how is this chubby cheeks invisible?!" Myung soo cupped jiyeons face and make her look like a really cute goldfish

Suddenly L walked pass through them and push myung soo and Jiyeon and seperates them to a couple of steps and L is looking so depressed they felt weird.

"Dear, I think we should go and ask what is wrong with L."

" but didn't he just went out with CL?"

"Let's go back to your dorm!"

"Not until we go have supper, I am hungry."

"Alright !" 

Myung soo and Jiyeon when for 3AM breakfast (supper) after they finished training.


L's Flashback (chapter 12) ;

"I am really upset of you L. I am aware you liked me but i thought you were cool. I'am dissapointed."

L's POV:

All I wanted was you... But.... I made a huge mistake.... I disappoint you instead... How am I ever going to face you.... CL. .....

Meanwhile in NSS Korea HQ, meeting of the NSS captains,

"Good morning fellow captains, welcome back to work. So here we need to make a move and is supposed to be in war right now because Geonation stole our white paper. However chief decide to laylow and make Geonation be the bad guy in the Korea government. Because if we don't start they will feel weird on why we didn't start the war since we are suppose to get it back so they will take that chance to eliminate us. However the chief have tricks in his sleeves. 

Old man chief is participating in this silent war so all of you, tighten security enhanced your troops skills and tools because once Geonation attacked we will have the Korean government on our side and we will have 80% chance of winning said the chief. Just be on guard while he gathers the NSS-Geonation troops and turn their back on them during their own attack. 

if any of you have any suggestions or questions, personally see me after lunch i would be glad to hear. Dismissed.
 I need ;
Captain Taeyang(Cp. Youngbae NSS Name), 

Captain Hoon (Ilhoon NSS Name) ,

Captain LHY (Lee Ha Yi NSS Name) And

Captain Crash (Won Bin NSS name) 

to stay back." 

Said Cp. DJ ( Cp. Dujun NSS name)

Cp. Youngbae : "Yes captain how may we assist you?"

Cp. Dujun : "It is me, B03. Report strength in my ear" Dujun whispered

Cp. Youngbae, Ilhoon, Lee Ha Yi, Won Bin: "B017 Cp. Youngbae, B051 Cp. Ilhoon, B0723 Cp. Lee Ha Yi, B1503 Cp. Won Bin Sir" They whispered

Cp. Dujun: "Meeting tonight at Room 100 At our HQ at 9pm, i will gather the rest. For now act like NSS is your part. 10-81 Scatter."

Dujun carried out GD's Mission smoothly. But still Conscious on their reliability and is very careful.

Back at Geonation Korea Dorm Building,

Time: 10.30A.M KST
Venue: Multi-purpose Room (7)

"Alright P. Lydia i want you to High kick 360 and drop down squad , Slide kick and then elbow punch. Seungri Classic Geonation move 120 , Squad, Jump, Block , Front flip, Knee Lydia's Back. Then Lydia Turn to the place that you are comfortable or towards an empty side.

 Seungri right leg or the leg that is not knee-ing her back, follow her and kick. Lydia block with your hand and twist his leg upwards so he fall. Seungri avoid falling, turn your body downwards use both your hands to push you up and stand. Then Stay on stance, And Start!" 

GD is helping them enhance their sparring skills. in this case, Blocking.

Meanwhile ,


"Whaaaaaa i am so hungry i can eat 10 bowls of Ddeokbokki(Spicy Rice Cakes)"

"Alright then, For my dear here i will buy her all the Ddeokbokki in this world so that she will be fat !!"

"Yaaa! How can a guy,like me if i become fat ?!!"

"I will always love you be it Fat Bom, Cute Bom, Small Bom, Nuna Bom, Dongsaeng Bom. If it is Bom, I dont care how she looks like, She always had my heart...." TOP hold her cold hands due to winter and warm her with his warm hand

Bom was head over heels of TOP and when he said that she just had to blush so hard...

"Ya.. I feel like punching you !!!!!"

"Okay fine punch me!"

Bom's hand flew to his face but then her head was quicker and had her lips peck his cheeks and she said "Punch you softly with my lips to your cheeks...HEHEHE" Bom giggled and ran to order ddeokbokki from the Ahjumma.

★T.O.P★ - choi-seung-hyun Fan Art

"This girl.... She is so powerful my heart is pounding like im about to die. ahahahhaha" TOP said to himself



Venue: Geonation Room 100
Time: 9:30PM

"Cp. Dujun are you sure you told them to be here at 9pm?"

"Yeah.. But those captain's were never late...." awhile later

"oh i received a message from Cp. Youngbae to wait for him at the entrance, TOP , Bom, GD follow me"

While waiting for them at the entrance, Suddenly a suspicious black car arrived, And captain youngbae was in the car as he slide down the window and whispered

"Hurry inside, the agents are following me...."

"Okay!" they turned back to the door

"No you idiots, get in the car hurry !"

"But we need the platinums for the meeting!"

"We can contact them later or update them later as of now, get in the car hurry !"


TOP, Bom, GD & Cp. Dujun got in the car leaving the platinum's in meeting room 100

Chapter Wrap:
What do you think will happened next? and Where are the rest of the captains and why is it only Cp. Youngbae is there after half an hour and seem to be insecure?

Authors note:
Im really sorry for the long wait and promised to give you guys 2 Chapter at once in my other story, BREAK-FREE ! Thank you for waiting and for reading !chapter 14 will be up in a bit once i finish the rest and re-editing it :) !  Love you guys !!! :*

thank you

with love