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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 24 December 2013, 02:50
Break-Free Introduction Chapter

Title: Break-Free
Cast: (Main) gikwang, hyoyeon, dongwoon, bora

Character overview:

Kim Hyoyeon

A rich mans daughter, that lives life on her own with the existence of her parents. Always depending on herself and growing up in an incomplete manner as a kid. While her parents that always works away and picks on her happiness for their own. Controlling her life when she grows alone. And was told to act like they were invisible although living under one roof. Her parents don't care about her but is controlling her in every way. She however manage everything herself. But is a person who don't trust anyone, had no friends, and hardly talks to people. The most time is that she always shouts in anger if anyone ever iritate her. And was given a nickname, Goth-Hyo in elementary because she is seen wearing dark colours, Never like mixing with people and always keeps her distance from human but is never scared of anyone. Her childhood had no colours, she never laughed her whole life. Only Faked Smile.

Lee Gikwang

An average son, dreams of a star and now a tiptop idol. Living in a world full of love, fans and wonderful family. With a dark history he pulls himself up and became a wonderful lovable person. But hated by many too. An unbalanced world between the Star, GK and a normal person, Lee Gikwang. His past is that He and his family live in such manner where everyone looked down. He was very poor and already worked such at a young age, he cannot go to school but still work hard along side with his parents.  After a few years living with no house or enough clothes, his little brother was born and the family became lucky and lived like a normal average person with sufficient money, food and clothing because of an anonymous donation that read gikwangs wishing card during Christmas. He asked for A home, Sufficient money and enough for the family of four to live happily. The anonymous was very generous and gave them a big house and money and only asked gikwang for the favour of wanting to see him achieve his dreams and if gikwang did the anonymous will know of it . And Gikwang used his talents to earn and at the same time achieve his dreams. Gikwang has always think of his little brother as a lucky charm and loved him since then and had always thanked the anonymous by sending the letter to them every now and then.

Yoon Bora

A rich mans daughter with skills to fight and the total opposite of Hyoyeon. Loved by her parents, life full of colours. Supportive parents and had many friends but still felt alone as if she had no one as a friend for that she is a skilled fighter , feared by many and avoidance by company. She joined in a Mafia as her father is the king of all company. She is strong and is the head of one mafia company. And yet is fighting her Elder Brother that wants to eliminate his younger sister for money. So that all her inheritance would be given to him. She hated her Eldest brother(Yoon Dujun) since then. Had a laughable childhood and when she entered high school all her happiness was taken away as her father put bora incharged of his west district company. She have always gotten into fights everyday to save her life and her fathers company. She had no shoulder to cry.

Lee Dongwoon

(in this case Son Dongwoon name is changed to Lee Dongwoon for the story to make sense as gikwang and dongwoon are brothers)

Little brother of Gikwang. Envied every little parts of his brother. Secret hatred was kept deep inside his heart due to big amount of jealousy. But was a rather smart one. Earns straight A's in studies and was admired by many. However his admires love his brother and only noticed him as GK's younger brother. Was exhausted with the cheap feelings. His girlfriend even dumped him in the past after knowing he hated his brother and he would do anything to be in his place even if it means severing the bond they had as a kid. However his loving parents never stopped loving him and his brother continued to support him and light his path. Dongwoon was a spoiled child because when he was born everyone is living happily and never got caught of their haunting past where gikwang himself experience. Dongwoon dreams was only to get the same amount of love as his brother . However he went to too many auditions but was rejected although he is the Star's Little brother and is still practicing everyday to challenge Lee Gikwang.

Chapter intro, a little something

(Hyoyeon|LightBlue , Gikwang|Green , Bora|Pink , Dongwoon|Orange)

"Hyoyeon, how do you like our new house?" said her mother

Hyoyeon look over to her parents and look over other sides and find for her room and totally ignored her parents. As they just moved from America and back to Korea. For good. They lived in America for a short 4 years and hyoyeon insist on coming back to Korea and lead the Korean Ice Skating team, Team Gems.

 Hyoyeon was a very diligent yet quiet and a person who doesn't gives a shit and doesn't socialise and is literally alone and was fearsome. Hyoyeon was alone eversince she was a child. Growing alone only with following rules everyday and never get any love or attention from her only two parents. And she never depend on anyone but her maid for food and the butler of her parents to escort her to school, Ice skating lessons and every where she feels like going.

Her life is like an unbreakable law. She is now 20 and is still suffocating from her past and always attempted to runaway from her parents that control her from the ends of her head until the end of her toe nail.

Hyoyeon pov:

Shut up already stop acting nice. I hate your voice. You guys are pissing me off, where is my f*king room!!


Hyoyeon look over to ahjuma that is her maid.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"Get me tea" with fearsome eyes hyoyeon turned and continued to unpack her stuffs


"Omma ! I will be going to work now!"

"Gikwang, Dongwoon wait !!" said their mother

"Omma I'm late for school already !!"

"Ya, your hyung here is going to send you to school okay."

"But hyung !!!! I don't want your fan girls to be around me it is so uncomfortable !!!"

"Come on dongwoon my fan girls love you too!!"

"Well over my dead body!"

"Aish dongwoon stop being so rude to your brother! Here mom made your breakfast. Eat while on your way to work and school."

"Ne Omma thank you" the two kids smiled and kissed their mum on her cheeks



"Well maybe he is dead or screaming in pain how would I know?" her eldest brother teased her

"I will beat the crap out of you if he is screaming in pain and I will kill you if I know he is dead! " bora said pissed of as her gang was harassed and one guy was kidnapped she couldn't lay low and already ask her gang to search for him while talking to her elder brother that is harassing them.


bora jumped on top of his table and kicked him with her heavy shoes and made the head fall

"Oh my you little girl is sure strong... Leave now before I kill you..."

"Stop harassing the west and I will lay low. Yoon Dujun"

" good for you that dad is the king of mafia.... I am still working under him-" he was cut

"Hence, he don't want us to fight. So stop harassing me or... I show father all the proof that ive collected that your gang has been harassing the west"

"Scary of my little sissy, Yoon Bora!"

Bora walked with fearsome face and back to school

"That should teach them. And how long are you going to follow me?! I'm going to school you fools !!" Said bora to her gang secretary,

Chapter Wrap:

So this is the introduction of Break-Free. So how? what do you guys think? Like it? Write down on the comments below on what you want to see next in Chapter 1 !!! and write down cool titles too !! that'll be a great help !! Thank you once again guys

(If you guys are a reader of CODE TO LIFE and is wondering why i havent updated it is because i am still working on it and will give a bonus 2 chapter in one day once i am done. So here is another story i am working on. So while waiting why not check out this new fanfic. and thank you so much for reading !!! love you guys !! :* ! )

thank you

with love