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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Monday 16 April 2018, 09:50

i dont own them. googled for my AFF

Saturday 24 February 2018, 04:51
Sunday 29 October 2017, 08:39
Saturday 18 February 2017, 04:25

One Day to War


While GD sits depressed in the meeting room and suddenly he received a text message from CL,

(CL then took a picture of the three of them on the beds of the Geonation Hospital and sent it to GD with the caption;)

"Ya. Look what i did again. Btw how is it going? Is the mission going fine?"

"Oh... Wow.. Is that your doing? You are healthy again?!"

CL replied quickly

"Is everything okay? Your reply seems late.. Busy?"

"Alot had happened.. I just got back from being kidnapped and meeting for the NSS & Geonation Declaring War in the next 2 Days.. Q is joining us too. We are the frontline battle ninja's though."

"That old man is going to join?!!"

"Yea.. *GD told the plans*"

"That.. was.. a shortbrained ... plan..." CL was shocked from what GD told her

"Too bad you were hurt. You can't join us here...."

"Then i will be back in a flash."

"Andwaeyo.. Stay there CL. It is too dangerous here. We will be fine."

"Reading your plans already scare the shit out of me and you still dare say you guys were doing fine?"

"CL.. Trust us this time will you? Stay there and rest! I don't want you to get hurt anymore!!!!!!!"

"Jiyong... I will be back.."

Gd was panicking and he called CL but she didn't pick up. 

He didn't know what to do afterwards. And has been thinking about the day she saved him from the bullet that was pointed directly at his heart. That day never passed GD's mind since then.


Hours of intense training and preparation for the big Korean's Declaring War at the biggest abandoned island far from everywhere, The Black Paradise. 1 day had passed and it's almost time for the most dangerous meeting of the two brothers, Head of Geonation & NSS to meet up heads on for the first time after many years to Declare war towards each other by hook or by crook to bring each other to a stop. 

TIME: 0300 HRS

The NSS Soldiers preparing for the biggest event of their life and death.

Chief of NSS Yang Jun Suk: Tomorrow i will meet my young foolish brother for the first time after so long. I am going to bring you down for all this years you have betrayed me and created a weak guild to bring me down after my successful years of wanting to rule Korea. You are ruining this. But after NSS wins, We will win Korea's heart and they will give me a thought into ruling this. Mom,Dad... this old man is going to make you proud and i can finally step down and put my son in-charge i'm already too old. But Yang Hyun Suk i am not going into the grave without you. *Evil Smirk*

He said while looking in the mirror & putting on his suit.


Meanwhile in Geonation,


B2NG, VI24, CP Dujun, CP Wonbin, CP Ha Yi & CP iLhoon Assemble in Room 207.

"Just one more day..."

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"How prepared are you GD?"

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"You wanna know? Watch me closely, Watch my skill. How about you T.O.P?"

"My Tabi... I realized you look kinda extra charming today."

T.O.P only smirked at the both of them.

"I am going to scatter all of you around. B2NG, to Geonation US HQ. VI24, to Geonation Asia HQ and captains, Stay here in Korea."

"But sir!-- " GD got cut off

"B2NG i need you to go get this teams in the US HQ and bring them back to Korea asap. You have no time to loose so please don't but me. NSS isn't going to spare us so please. Spare me. NSS, They are no joke." Q YHS then passed them a small list of groups

CP Wonbin : "I and Q Yang Hyun Suk have already talk about this. You can use my Carbon Black Super Jet 10000 Back in my garage in Jeju. Go get it. Top you know the drills."

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir Q, Yes CP Wonbin."

GD reluctantly accepted the request. "Yes sir, we will be back in a flash."

"Good , now i will brief VI24 & the CP's so please make your move."

B2NG used the fastest way to Jeju.

Meanwhile in Geonation Japan,


"L... L.. wake up."

"What is it Myungsoo..."

"I think i sense the presence of...................."

The both of them said together as low as they can "Ice Beast, CL noona....."

Then both their heads got banged together "OUCH!"

"It seems like the both of you are ready for more training!"

"No mam!! Andwaeyooo !!"

CL then laughed like crazy.

"Noona, it hurts ok."

"Haik haik. Suit yourself. Let's go see Jiyeon over at my place."

"Is she alright?"

"She's fine. We had some personal trainings."

"Ji... Ji yeon had per per personal trainings with you???"

"Is she still alive i wonder."

"But its only been two days i dont think she can improve that much."

"Well. She went through death i guess."

The twins then gulp their saliva.

The three of them then made their way to CL's House in Japan after their broken limbs were treated so fast by the japanese geonation medic experts.



"GD ah, you look kinda depressed.. You alright?"

"I agree GD ah. Is it about CL?"

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"What? What are you guys talking about? I'm alright. Lets just focus on this mission okay?"

"Ohhhh i know!! Is it because of Miko?"

"Look.. Don't mention her name already, i have nothing to do with her, can you focus on the job TOP ya..."

"eung? You broke up with Miko ? Jinjja? is that why you are so depressed?"

Gd glared at TOP "Focus." looking rather pissed GD ignored his questions and continued to worry if CL will appear during the war as he is so afraid to loose her but he focused on his work eventually forget that CL is a stubborn person and she will appear again.

"Mwoya. So fierce today. Bom ah lets video call CL once we reach the US so she won't worry about war and lets tell her there is no war! We gotta protect her at the very least."

"Its too late.. she already knew about it...." GD Sighed

"Mwo?! You told her!?? You didn't forget about what happened at Black Paradise didn't you ?? GD ah....."

"Ofcourse.. IT NEVER STOPPED PLAYING IN MY HEAD IT IS MY FAULT FOR BEING SO WEAK! I KNOW THAT! I THOUGHT SHE WILL STAY STILL AND WAIT SAFELY FOR US BUT SHE SAID SHE WANTED TO RUSH BACK TO KOREA BECAUSE OUR WHOLE PLAN IS SHORT BRAINED AND SHE IS WORRIED IT WILL FAIL!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WORRY ABOUT HER NOW?!! *shouts vulgarities*" Without knowing TOP punched his face as hard as it could for shouting at Bom and was pissed about how CL is in so much danger now when she only just recovered from the bullet shot.

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Gd just lay on the ground looking even more depressed while TOP went out of the room and get prepared to go JEJU using TOP's supercar.

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"GD ah.. im sorry.. i really am. I am worried about CL too but just like you said we need to focus.. the day is just tmr and we can't screw this up. If its not for Geonation its to revenge Captain Jihyo my mother and Captain Tablo your Father. Let's just hope CL won't come over and wait in Japan safely. I will send a message to VI24 since they're going around to pick up Asia Geonation agents to recruit. They might stop by Japan too."

"Ne Noona... Im sorry too..." Bom pulled him up and follow behind TOP


TINGTONG the doorbell of CL's aparatment rang and jiyeon quickly ran to open the door

"Ohh, CL unnie wasseoyo?" Jiyeon opened the door and Myungsoo went straight for the hug

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"ahhh Jiyeonie gwaenchana??? You're alive!!"

"Ige mwoya?! hahahah " CL and L squeaks by Myungsoo's action

Jiyeon struggled to get out of his hug because she's shy that CL & L are watching

"Oppa... Let me gooo! CL Unnie and L is here ya oppa..." Myungsoo refused to let go

"Andwae!!" CL & L laughed 

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"CL noona!" L hugged CL too then he whispered to CL's ear "Noona, im so jealous of them now, will u let me stay like this" 

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CL pushed him away as hard as she could then glared at him "Andwae L ah"
CL got awkward and went into her house along with Jiyeon, Myungsoo and L just stood outside like an idiot taken aback to what he see's in CL's eyes.

L's POV:

What am i lacking of... why is it so hard to please her... i really want her in my arms... But her eye's just screams rejection to me....

Myungsoo snapped his brother's eyes "Ya why are you just standing there, come in we need to gather for a meeting." L then enter the house.

They all each took a sit;

"So guys i have an announcement to make as your captain and fellow comrade of Geonation.."

"What is it unnie?" 


"Oh you're finally gonna announce that you and L are together? We already know noona."

"No Myungsoo.. Look let me get this straight. L is like my little brother. So are you Myungsoo. I treat Jiyeon as my younger sister too. And all three of you are my precious students, my friends ! Pay close attention to what im trying to announce now and focus!" CL face changes into her 'Trainer' face which is scary and all three of them focused and despite L feeling so heart broken after hearing CL said all those he had no other choice but to listen or he's dead meat.

"Good.. Now then; I am planning to go back to Korea to follow up on the War of Geonation and NSS the biggest war between the two companies. Geonation is in a mess the plan GD told me isn't good enough. Too many loop holes! And i will fly back there today to gather all the information before the War tomorrow. I have important missions for the three of you! *CL explained to them the details* . All three of you clear? Any questions?"

"No maam!"

"Good now proceed. 10-81 Scatter" All of them got back to work, CL packed her things to go back to Korea. 

On her way to the airport she received a pretty long message from L

"Now that you say those things straight up to my face infront of Jiyeon and my brother.. i really understand your feelings towards me. That glare you gave me after you pushed me away from hugging you.. i already know i'm not worthy of you... But CL i really like you.. i guess i'm nowhere near GD... But i will prove you wrong once the war ends!! I will fight for the place to take over GD! Make sure to stay alive! I want to see your smile again! I want to see my scary captain again. I want to see the love of my life living her dreams! Don't forget to apply medicine on the wound every 3 hours too. See you soon and take care CL! Saranghaeyo!!!!"

CL Smiled and replied

"I'm glad you understand my feelings. I hope you don't get to hurt because i cannot like you more than what i just said earlier. kkkk. L sshi... stop talking about GD. GD is GD, you is you. You don't have to fight for a place. You already belong somewhere... And that is not with me.. Anyway, thank you for taking care of me this past 3 weeks.. I'll make sure to stay alive! See you soon Platinum L of Trio200."

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L cried after reading her text to him. She literally put him to his place. L wiped away his tears and continue to focus on the mission CL appointed to the new Platinum group of Geonation 'Trio200'


TIME: 1500 HRS

"TOP where's Cp Won bin's super jet?"

"Right here!"

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how it looks like


"Time to rock!" All three of them entered the Jet and flew as fast as lighting to Geonation US HQ.


TIME: 1515 HRS


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"Shusho sama, Shokumu no hōkoku VI24 P. SEUNGRI, P.DAESUNG, P.MINZY, P.LYDIA desu" (Master, reporting for duties ....)

"Naze kita no?" (Why did you come?)

"Watashitachi to NSS sā to no sensō no tame ni motto ōku no menbā o boshū shitai to omotte imasu." ( We came to recruit more members for the war between us and NSS)

"Anata ga watashi ni kuru yō ni meijita no wa daredesu ka?" (Who ordered you to come to me?)

"Q: YHS desu."

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"Sore wa ōkina sensō ni naru yō ni miemasu. Watashi wa shōtai o atsumeru yō ni narudeshou. Hōru 17 de watashi o machimasu." (it seems to be a great war, i will gather all the platoons. Please wait for me at hall 17.)

"Wakarimashita. Arigatōgozaimashita." (I understand, thank you very much)

At Hall 17 of Geonation japan,

"Kon'nichiwa, totsuzen no chūdan ni tsuite wa mōshiwake arimasen. Kyō, watashi wa anata ni Kankoku no Geonation ga boshū o suruhitsuyōgāru koto o happyō suru tame ni atsumatta. Watashi ga kono chīmu ni denwa o suru toki wa, hōru kara dete Kankoku no shōtai no basho ni itte kudasai." 
(Hello all sorry for the sudden interruptions. Today i have gathered all of you to announce that Korea's Geonation needs some recruitment. When i call out this teams please step out of the hall and proceed to where the Korean platoon are.)

"Kin shōtai(Gold platoon) Shouki17, BC09, RO78 & Y2K7. Purachina shōtai(Platinum platoon) GHK004 & TRIO200 Soto ni dete kudasai. Nokori wa renshū ni modotte kudasai. (Please step outside. For the rest return back to training)"

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Crows zero scene tho

The teams reported to VI24 and the TRIO200 reunited with them and proceed into the jet back to Korea's Geonation.


"Oh Hyung!"

"Ahhh L sshi, Myungsoo sshi, Jiyeon sshi!"

"Oppa, what happened in Korea? How come there's war? I thought we did the white paper mission successfully? "

"Aniyo.. We screwed up badly. They knew who stole the papers because you were too late at picking us up and the NSS agents caught us!"

"oh yea... i just remembered how bommie unnie and myungsoo saved us.."

"However NSS havent make any moves yet. they only agreed to let the two heads meet in  Black Paradise. which is why we are recruiting most of the Gold & Platinum platoons from all the geonation's available.."

"Anyway, where is CL noona? she doing good? Does she know whats happening?"

"CL unnie...." The trio looked at each other and made up a lie that CL is on a mission

"Oh im glad to hear that. Bom noona will kill me if CL made it back to Korea..."

Meanwhile B2NG did the same in the US and they all made it back to Geonation Korea HQ,



"Congrats to B2NG and VI24 for making it back safely with all the Gold and Platinum recruits. Warm welcome back to TRIO200, im glad to see all of you up and healthy. Tonight i am going to go through about the war and the plans i, the Gold Team and the Black team captains have planned. Please stay alert and focus."

Q.YHS went along with the plan to annihilate the top heads of NSS straight instead of caring about the small fry. However he need super tight security to keep his head safe before reaching the room to his Brother Yang Jun Suk NSS head chief.

"I hope all of you understand. Take a good rest. we will see you all back here tomorrow by 9PM as we need to make a move at 10 to Tong Yeong and Black Paradise. Be well equipped and prepared."

"VI24 and TRIO200 come over to my office. Gold Platoons wait at hall 12."


Boms office,

"P.Seungri report. Myungsoo report."

"Report on what noona?"

"P.Seungri on wether you passed the message to CL and Myungsoo report on CL's health progression."

Seungri look over at myungsoo and said "He said CL is on a mission so she might not even know about the recruitment." 

"CL is recovering well. She just need to apply the medicine onto her wound every 3 hours to make sure the wound closes well. It's been 3 weeks and it seem like the wound is almost dry."

"What?! you didn't talk to her physically?! Ugh, forget it. And Myungsoo i know theres a speed medication use to treat her wound, how come is it not cured?!"

"It seem that the Bullet defected close to her heart. She is still under treatment. It was taken over by thhe medic experts. but she is perfectly fine for daily activities and harsh training it seems. As per how she trained us maam."

"Alright Myungsoo go get the report from the Japanese medic experts. I need to see her progression. Seungri gather the Platinums and do further preparation and makesure to rest well. I see you all tmr." Bom slammed her office door and joined TOP and GD for further briefing of the Gold Platoons at Hall 12.

"Is all the B2NG members this scary. My heart is in so much shock...--" cut by door slammed

"Eung?? what is wrong with L?"

"He's been moody since we went home after visiting CL before her mission."

L slammed the door accidentally as he is just trying to leave the room to get a drink near the office.

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"ohh look who's here... it seemed you came all the way from Japan huh.."

"oh... eung." L just nodded and left GD where he is

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"Ya whats wrong with you, trying to be rude with me!? You should know the moment you tell me all the things on the phone about CL i felt like beating the hell of you.."

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"Ne... hyung..." L just gave up on hearing and continued GD gave him a flying punch for being rude..

"That's for being rude and stealing CL from me!"

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L glared at GD "The one who is stealing CL is you... no.. you had her from the start. I tried my best to get her to like me. but it seems you're too great for her to forget. The DV recording of the both of you she kept. hurts me so much... and the glare she gave me.. the text she told me i belong somewhere but not with her... DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW IT FEELS WHEN YOU HAD HER ALL ALONG?! AND I DONT.. YOU STILL DARE TO SAY I STOLE HER FROM YOU?! SHUT THE F*** UP!" L Threw all of it to GD, threw his phone to the wall leaving a huge crack all over the screen totally busted. Left the scene and went back to his house in Korea.


What DV recording is he talking about?? CL... loved me too?? I had her all along?? which part of all that made sense...

*GD called CL*  "The number you have called is currently unavailable please try--" 

why is her phone off.... i've called her 15 times.. the phone is still off... what is happening?...



NSS Chief YJS : Finally the day has come.. tonight you will be dead meat my brother! Geonation will be put to a stop and----

CP Youngbae: Samchon(uncle) You're looking rather fine today. I am here to report Black Paradise security is complete and full NSS SSXGOLD Agents on standby around the coast preapred for the arrival of Geonation.

NSS Chief YJS: Nice work my nephew.. How about the Trap we were working on. I'm pretty sure my brother will come with the strongest for the frontline.. 

The chief smirked. The both uncle and nephew prepared a trapped as CP Youngbae have intelligence and knowledge of the geonation agents and pretty much knows the weakness of most of Geonation top agents so they prepare the trap knowing that the strongest agents will escort the head of Geonation, Q:YHS.

Author note:

NSS is the most threat right now as Black Paradise is covered with traps controlled by the NSSX GOLD agents of NSS. Will Geonation overcome it or will they be trapped and will it be the end of Geonation?? stay tuned!!

Hello there... i know it's been three years since the last update.. i am so sorry to all the avid readers! I will try to update this asap and as for BREAK-FREE i will update soon too. I apologize for the latest update!!!!!! Sorry again guys!! Neomu Mianheeeeeee!!!!! *Hearteuuuu*

thank you

with love