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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Saturday 11 January 2014, 10:11

"The Mask Man"


The school ended.

Dongwoon was walking out near the entrance and saw hyoyeon.

"Ohhh, Hyoyeon sunbaenim !" 

Hyoyeon walked away as she didn't hear dongwoon because she is wearing earphones.
Dongwoon pulled her earphones, 

"Ya... How many times must I see you in a day in this big school?!! You are such a pain! What do you want ?!!"

"I'm sorry sunbaenim. I just wanted to walk with you...." Hyoyeon ignored him and stomped her way out leaving dongwoon to walk alone. Then a black van stopped right Infront of dongwoon, the door opened. Dongwoon was taken aback by who is inside.


(Hyoyeon|LightBlue , Gikwang|Green Bora|Pink , Dongwoon|Orange)

He was taken aback by the masked guy in the black van that pulled him in and quickly make Dongwoon lost conscious .

same time later,

Gikwang got a call from his mom



"Ne omma?"

"By the looks of Dongwoon's schedule he already ended school. Will you pick him up? It is his first day and we are making his favourite dinner."

"Omma, I am really busy right now. I can't pick him up."

"I already asked your manager and he said you are free?"

"What?! did you ask him to cancel my piled up scedule again?!"

"Hurry home!"

His mom put down the phone yet gikwang rushed to Dongwoons school as he was only 2 mins away. Gikwang was in a black van and reached the school but he was a second too late.

"Hyung, are there any other celebrity in the school? there seem to be a black van."

"I don't think so. It's less hectic here because none goes to this school."

Gikwang got suspicious of that van. So gikwang got down and suddenly someone threw a plastic to his head.

"YA !"

There wasnt any of his fans that are there. Everyone either have extra class or have already went home as the entrance is filled up.

ignore the sub

"Wash that and come back here and give it to me. Since your brother refuse to pass it to you. I pass it to you myself." She walked away with angsty all over her face

It turns out to be Hyoyeon who threw that to gikwang as she was still pissed just now morning because gikwang spilled the coffee to her clothes.

"Jeogiyo (Excuse me) I dont have anytime to wash your clothes ! i am a busy man. I already gave you my exclusive jacket for the day why aren't you appreciating it?!"

"I don't care if it is one in this world. You have to repay for what you did. i don't want to talk much."

"Oh, that you have to wash with your hands not a machine. It is exclusive as well."

Gikwangs pov:

Ungrateful woman. You are lucky i am a star!!!! But you are so mean to me!!!! Who cares. I got no time to wash it with my hands!!! I am going to just put it in a machine!!!!! ugh!

Gikwang thought as he was so pissed off that hyoyeon was so mean to him when he thought hyoyeon are one of those who didnt care so much and is quiet.

Gikwang rolled his eyes and stomp his way into the van and waited instead of searching for his brother that hasn't show up.

Hours later,

Gikwang fell asleep after waiting for Dongwoon for about 15mins. And Continued for 2Hours and suddenly Gikwang's phone rings

"Yobeosoyo....." he said with his tired most voice (sexy)

"LEE GIKWANG !! WHERE ARE YOU???!!!" His mom scream at him as if he was a thousand miles far from the phone, He jumped and dropped the phone

"Mmmm... mmm. mmw.. mwoya omma?!" He stuttered

"It has been 2hours?!! did you escaped and work again?!!! "

"Aniyo omma ! im waiting for dongwoon yet he is not here!!!" Gikwang then thought "2Hours? oh no.... i am so late!!!!" gikwang put down the phone and quickly run to the general office.

In the general office,

"Jeogiyo!" the staffs looked and screamed

"OHHH STAR GK !!! " Everyone screamed and took his photo but gikwang hesitated and ask "Is my brother Lee Dongwoon still in class? If he is i might need him to be excused for now."

So the staff went on and contact the class manager.

"Ohh, GK oppa. Dongwoon already finished the class 2hours ago."

"Eung? Aigoo... Thank you. I'll take my leave then." Gikwang left the general office and rushed back to the van to avoid sasaeng fan.

He reached the van and called for his mom.

"OMMA! Dongwoon is not in the school? If he exited he shouldve recognize my van and come in. But didnt. Omma i think he went out with his new friends? Don't worry he will be back. Im going to work now. Ganda(Bye) Omma"


"Why not you call Dongwoon instead?" Mr Lee their father said

"Forget it both my sons won't be here for dinner ! You eat all this! I have no appetite." 

Mr Lee gave such a confuse expression and thought aloud

"Me ?? Eat all this alone?? Why is she angry at me too? Aigoo...."


Bora got home right after school. She got in to her big house. Walked up to her 3rd floor bedroom and jumped on her cozy huge bed.

"Saaaaaa.... I am going to sleep......in 3....2...."

Suddenly her phone rang.



"Why hello... Yoon Bora.... Head of west district, Seoul."

"Duguya(who are you)"

"Saaaa... Did you make any friends in school today?"

"No. And who the hell are you? Do I know you?"

"Well I don't know if you know this guy"


"Okay boy that's enough.. You know what am I plotting now?"

"I don't know who that guy is... Is this some prank ?"

"Lee Dongwoon a famous little brother of GK.. I wonder how much can a famous celebrity give me for this."

"Lee dongwoon? Who the shit is that?" Bora put down the phone. Without realising who is dongwoon and realised a second after

"OH NO... SHIT !" Bora called back the person that call her

"So you changed your mind of not knowing who is Lee Dongwoon? He has a funny id here. This guy sure have the nerves to chase my boys away so that you beat them till pulp."

"Tell me who you are so you'll never get hurt, and that is if you won't hurt him."

"I will give you 30min since I am a gentleman. And bring down 500 Million Won if you want him safe. Come here alone and don't bring your puny gang."

"Where are you?"

"Cheonwang-dong Abandoned Industrial Park." The man put down the phone and waited for Bora's arrival.

Bora called up her gang and changed her outfit to tight leather jeans a white tanktop and threw over a leather jacket with her brown boots. She tied up her hair with anger and standby a bag of stacked papers to act as 500Million Won. 

"No one mess with Yoon Bora.. Now im pissed!" She walked out her room and saw Doojoon

(Bora//Pink , Doojoon//Yellow)

"Hey. Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

"Hmmm.. Don't forget we have a family dinner tonight because appa and omma is back in Korea."

"I don't need your reminder." She walked away from her older brother

She got in the car and drove like some mad cow because she is 15mins away. all her gang waited for her opposite the entrance.

"Bora nuna is here." The gang called her nuna even though some of them are older than her. It has been a brought down that all head will be called as an elder.

"Oh. She looks pissed alright."

She bust into the place with her car and doesnt care if it breaks her car. She threw the bag to Dongwoon's leg.


"That's a warm greet from a girl. You are rather early..."

"Open up your mask. Who are you."

The guy woke Dongwoon up to reveal who he is.

"Saaaa... Should i reveal? oh Btw i am the new head of the East District. The Dragon King."

Bora's Father is the King of All District but The Dragon King Is the rival of her Dad's Mafia. The Dragon King Nearly Took Over Her dads throne. However someone manage to kill the past Head of The Dragon king. This mask man is the head of the east district. There are alot of King Mafia but no one could take over Bora's Dad Mafia. Except for the dragon king. Each mafia gang holds North , South , East , West of South Korea. Some even holds North Korea as well. The dragon king and bora's dad mafia holds the whole Korea. That's why they are feared

"The Dragon King?!" Bora shakes because she never did as what he said because The Dragon King have alot of crazy fighters.

"Should i check the bag of money? You won't be so stupid to give me money right? I don't even have to look in it."

"Then i shall take back." Bora took her bag

"Ohh. I am not so sure if you should take it bag." The mask man rush to bora and touched her on her shoulders. Bora push his hand away and both of them face each other in a fighting stance

"Why are you using a student to bring me here"

"This is just a greeting from The Dragon King"

"I am pretty sure the guys i beat till pulp isnt from The Dragon King!"

"Are you scared, woman?"

Bora took out a sword and their swords meet. 

"That is careless of me." Bora smirked because she didn't realize the mask man was holding a sword by his legs

They fought and swung the swords left and right and always met. One last swing from each other full force everyone kept quiet while the force of the sword blew Dongwoon's hair because they were quiet near Dongwoon. Dongwoon looked at them fight in fear

"Have we met. Because you sound familiar." Bora immediately Recognize his voice.

"Who knows we did? Somewhere in your School?" He breathed out while smirking

They continued to meet their swords and After a few swings Bora managed to cut his mask into two. He immediately close his face.

"Ho... That was pretty close... Some woman are you?"

Meanwhile in the Kim Residence(Hyoyeon),

Hyoyeon walked in by her pool. look at her home.

"What's the point of having such a big house when it is quiet and no one here to welcome me home...." She said by herself

She walked pass by the quiet hall, took the stairs and in to her room.. She looked in the mirror and saw GK's Exclusive Jacket. 

"Because of you. I had to scream.. You make me want to talk alot... Why is your existence bothering me...."

She took off the jacket , threw on the floor. Then suddenly a loud loud voices was heard from outside of her gate outside the big mansion. She looked out her balcony, as her balcony is able to look outside the gate

It turns out to be a protest from GK sasaeng fan demanded her to give back GK's Exclusive jacket to them. 

"How the hell do they know where i live?!!" She got pissed off from the noises she called the police and bribed them to charge those fans for public nuisance. A few minutes after the police came and all of those fans got charged as Hyoyeon bribed the policeman.

"Serve them right." Hyoyeon closed her balcony and lay on her bed. She looked up at the empty wall beneath her and look over to the jacket

"What a luck to meet a celebrity who i don't even know and spill coffee to my new outfit from LA... I bought that with my own money..... GK is giving me such nuisance. I will hate him for life. I swear i will beat him till pulp if he did not take care of my new clothes." Hyoyeon got so pissed she covered herself with her comforter

Someone then knocked on her door.

"Kim hyoyeon Agashi(miss) " it turns out to be her maid

"Yes?!" Screaming out from the room

The maid was taken aback. She never actually voiced out to anyone in the house until today. Because she usually is gloomy and opened the door with a dark face. But this time even the maid was left with her jaw opened wide other then her schoolmates that known her for so long is Taken aback eversince GK's existence. 

The maid stuttered "i... i... uh... ummm... Brought your dinner..."

Hyoyeon opened the door still with a gloomy face and took her dinner from her maid... She slammed the door afterwards

"Hyy... hyyy... hyoo... hyoyeon agashi..... She..... talks...This is the first time i heard her voice... I only heard her Kid voice... Hyoyeon agashi... Grew up..." 


Kim residence, When Hyoyeon was 5.


"Ne, Gwiyo-yeonie (Cute yeon) "

"Where is omma... and appa..."

"They are working my dear..."



"Do you think omma and appa love me?"

"Ofcourse they do!"


Hyoyeon walked out the kitchen happily but then she overheard the maid talking to another maid

"I pity hyoyeon.... Her parents don't even care about her... They even told us she isn't their daughter.." said the ahjumma

"That's sad but what's sadder is they told us they want to get rid of that little kid..." another maid of hers joined the convo

"I know... But we need hyoyeon to live and grow happily we can't let that scar her..." (Maid 1)

"They even bought her a house so that when she is 21 she would leave this house.." (maid 2)

"Really pity hyoyeon...." (maid 1)

Hyoyeon cried outside the corridor and the maid realized she was there. They tried to comfort her but she locked herself in the room for days.... Without food or drink. Even when she was 5. She was hurt badly. And she didn't voice out until now. 

She was scarred even more when her parents told her themselves that they never loved hyoyeon and will never show any affection even how bad the situation is. Even if Hyoyeon ends her life they would be more then happy. They told her that When she was a teen. 

Her heart broke and she locked herself in the room for a week and attempted suicide. But her caring maid managed to stop her and her last word that her maid heard but was unclear and soft. She said "My resolution is to live on and pissed them off even when they die i wont have anything to do on their funeral. I hate them. I hate them with all my heart"


Hyoyeon heard what the ahjumma said and opened the door back

"Ohh Ahjumma. Is there anything wrong?"

"aa...a...ni... aniyo... i shall go and work...."

Hyoyeon gave the ahjumma an expression. but still back to her expressionless face. Hyoyeon ate. Showered and was fast asleep.

Hyoyeon's dreams:

"Hyonie... Hyonie...."


"Hyoyeonieeee yaaaa.."

"Nuguji? Why is it so bright here? Someone?!"

And then suddenly it became dark and both her parents appeared in her dreams with the face of anger and telling her the same thing they said when she was 10. The face when she got beat up because she tried to runaway from home 4 times. The face of anger when she showed attitude. The face that becomes her nightmare...


"ARGHHH!!!" Hyoyeon screamed and woke up from her nightmare.

"Another sleepless night..... Nightmare of my stupid parents..." She threw the frame of their family as she did every night when she gets nightmare. Even how many times it broke. Her maid will fix it and put upon her bed

Meanwhile With Dongwoon and Bora at the abadoned industrial park,

Since bora cut the mask into half they couldnt really see the man's face as he was wearing a high collar jacket. 

Bora and the mask man continued to meet their swords.

"Why are you hiding your identity anyway?"
Bora jumped up high and with the sword she swung down full force to the masked man but he manage to dodge.

"You think you can easily defeat me.. TDK|East take over Best 5." The mask man called out for the 5 best fighters in Dragon king East district

"If you manage to beat up this 5 till pulp... I will show my identity...That is if your survive."

"Okay." Bora sarcastically said that

"Number 5, Tao. Kungfu king"

"Number 4, Gina. Muay Thai Princess"

"Number 3, Rain. The Beast"

"Number 2, Joon. Midnight crusher"

"Number 1, Seob. Boxing king"

"Tsk... Do you think i have time to beat up a girl... Im out.. Stop wasting my time.." Yoseob stated and left the scene immediately

"Saaa. Okay you are left with. Joon, Rain, Gina And Tao. I'll Just sit here."

Bora didn't have any problem dealing with Gina. Gina was punching Bora aimlessly. Bora gave a full force punch to her throat and kicked her to the ground. Gina knocked out. Bora took Tao with her sword.

Her hit was dodge a couple of times but bora threw her sword to the ground and sparred with Tao. 

something like this kekeke imagine that guy as bora
Somehow she managed to grab her sword and swing it to tao's hand and left a deep and long scar. 85% of his hand was cut

She now take on Joon. They sparred at first. Bora received a punch and a kick that flew her to the ruins of the industrial items. Bora got up and threw a huge empty barrel to Joon's head. It broke. Rain grabbed bora and threw her to Joon.

Bora got pissed of, she quickly took that chance to find the weak spot of joon and she stabbed him with her sword which she never let go of. It stabbed right into joon. Bora got thrown again by rain and this time her sword is not with her

"If Seob is like me.. You'd already be dead."

"Why are you depending on him? You weak ass. And why do you think i am the head of a mafia?! to be brought down easily? no!"

"What?!" Rain walked towards bora and got stabbed on the neck by a tree bulk that has been there. Bora got lucky... All 4 has been beaten up and she got up. Cleared her clothes and walked towards the mask man.

"It is okay if you don't want to reveal who you are. I just want this guy back..."

"Not with a bag of paper. I told you 500Million Won. And No gangs. Why are you so persistent!" 

He walked to Bora and Dongwoon's eyes never leave bora and the masked man. The mask man slowly open his mask. He turned to the back and turn back at them with the mask off and the high collar put to low.....


Chapter wrap:

Do you think Gikwang is the Mask man? If he is what is your thoughts on this? Staytuned to know what happened. 

Authors Note:

I'm really sorry for the wait!!! I am really busy! I hope you guys still await for it. I will try to update atleast once a month or twice. I really hope you guys anticipate and still read it! To CODE TO LIFE readers. I will update that soon as well. SOOOO BUSY Thank you for reading once again. Saranghaeyooooo

thank you

with love