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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 16 April 2013, 21:02


Prev Chapter;

The two of them quickly get in the car and drove off while seungri is on duty.
After driving away from the Geonation Island they finally reached Seoul and got Forced Stopped by 2 Big Cars from NSS!

[Current chapter]

They almost got into an accident if GD didn't jam break. They both got out of the car.

CL whispered before getting out of the car "EN32" (EN32 means Enemy Spotted)


The NSS agents also got out from their car..


"Sorry to disturb your honeymoon Princess.. time is over."

"Get back to work."

"What? what do you think approaching me in the middle of the highway to ask me to comeback to work?"

"Who do you think you are not showing up at work today?"

"Listen honey, bring your hubby to the headquarters."

"What does he have to do with all of you?"

"Follow your SSSGOLD Captain, princess.. Play times over."


"You look so familiar sir? weren't you the Officer that time? ermmm ermmm..... Officer L?!"

"NO. I'am SSSGOLD CAPTAING MYUNGSOO. Officer L is my twin brother."

"Oh...So which is older you or him?"

"Stop asking questions. Get in the car MR!!!"

GD got confused between L & Myungsoo Because the last time GD was Served by an Emotinally weak Officer L when picking up CL. Now he met the Twin brother which is Myungsoo.
Jiyeon and Myungsoo forced CL and GD into their car. While the other car take care of the traffic and move GD's car away. GD and CL have to act they have done nothing and let Jiyeon and Myungsoo force them in. One tiny problem is,
They didn't bring the super top secret documents of Geonation is in their bag. 
GD signaled to CL.

"Ohh... Captain Jiyeon Sshi..."


"I need to go to the bathroom..."

"Don't give me extra work. hold it.. we are only 30MINS away."

"Its going to come out anytime sooooooooonnn!!!" >.<


"Waaa, kamsahabnida."

Jiyeon brought CL to the toilet. 

"I'll wait for you outside."

"Thank you."

CL quickly got in the bathroom. Took out her phone and texted TOPBOM to track them and steal the bag and the car from the NSS Agents.

CL : "Code EN32 . I want you to put a tracker thru my phone and steal the TOPSECRET BAG and GD's Car from the NSS agents that is heading North."

BOM: "Noted. Take care."

CL: "Roger. Text me ASAP after Mission done."

CL went out of the bathroom and walk back to the car... Taking her chance to ask something from Jiyeon

"Jaaa.... Who ordered you to pick me up....?"

"NSS Co-Chief, Chief Se7en."

"Chief Se7en?"

"You'll meet him soon..Honey."

They got in the car and continued their journey.

-Meanwhile in TOP's Super Car


"Choi Seunghyun. It's time.."

"Stop calling me that. My name is T.O.P , T.O.P..."

"Everyone knows that...Ppali... We are really going to loose GD's Car anytime soon."

"Ohh talking about that, help me activate tracker for GD's Car Via Satellite."

"Right on the way."

Park Bom took out the Suitcase Computer and track GD's Car.

"GD's Car, Headed North Of Seoul approaching Seongnam where NSS is located at."

"Hold on to your seats Bom."

T.O.P Skit the car and break then continue to drive 120KM/H thru the shortcut, NSS way.
TOP Smirked to BOM.

"Look at that evil Smirk.. What are you Upto?"

"Look in the Laptop Next time."


"Now look at the Car's front window.."

BOM was shocked on how TOP computerise his car. The computers screen became bigger which is the Cars Front window. And GD's car was so near them.

"Okay there that is the car.. But infront of them is the OBVIOUS entrance NSS is right beside it... We need to be as hidden as possible." TOP transformed his car to camouflage mode. By Changing the colour to green and woods. and parking the car in between the tree's. "BOM i'm gonna put the car to Auto driver. Don't be scared. Once GD's Car move. This car is going to move too."
TOP changed to his ultimate camou costume and prepared to hijacked GD's 
Car. "YAAA WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING leaving me here i cannot drive!!!!" TOP slammed the door while Park Bom scream at him.


Okay.. turn this pin to the left and side. *Clickclick the unlock sound* Yes.. Now let's get in. Alright look around..... Find the TOPSECRET bag.. There... Documents inside. Check.. Okay , *TOP took out his small control and pressed FOLLOW* ALRIGHT let's drive of... The speed arrow of GD's car went drastically up to 140KM/H and TOP's Car with Park Bom in there Goes up to 140KM/H too since it is on Auto Driver.

"CURSE YOU T.O.P !!!!!!!!!" BOM screamed out of fear.

They reached TOP's House . BOM got out of the car with a very messy hair...

"wow....Bommie ah..~ "

"Stop acting like nothing has happened..."

Bommie tends to sulk.. and sat on the ground..

"Yaaa.. Are you sulking ??"



Bom took the Suitcase (TOPSECRET BAG) and House keys from TOP and went on ahead to his house..


"I AM NOT GOING TO TALK TO YOU!!!!!!!" BOM threw the suitcase and key to the house then walk home alone. That time was about 9PM KST.





AISH WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TREE'S HERE !!!!!! ARGGGGH...TOP is an alien.. how could he live some creepy place like this..

A full moon night BOM walk through the dark road and forest sides.. Wild animals finding preys. Cold breeze wind blowing to her hair makes a goose bumps..

Maybe i should walk faster.... 

BOM hugged her hands and cling on to her haversack out of fear.. Walked unexpectedly faster than her normal phase. Cold sweats all over.. Even though it is Spring.. Suddenly BOM scream so loud the whole forest echoed her..She saw a snake crossing from the left forest going to the right forest. Park Bom's scream cause the snake attention. The snake is about 1.2 Metres long and about 30cm big. Looking almost like a cobra. The Snake seems angry at her and taunting Bom out of anger.


The snake Flew to BOM wanting to attack her. BOM fell, closed her eyes, crumpled her body. But a few seconds had passed BOM wondered why the snake haven't attacked her. She opened her eyes... A hero standing infront of her putting his hands infront of her to carry her up.

"Next time... listen to me.... don't go home alone... at night......"

TOP suddenly dropped and faint.

"TOP! TOP ! TABI!!!!!"

It seems that TOP had been poisoned by the snake.


TOPs pov:

I cannot let her walk alone. If she is really that brave. I am going to follow her from the back.. This is not a place a woman can go through without being safe. I must atleast protect her..... ARGH WHY AM I SO DUMB leaving her like that without warning... Now she is mad at me....

A few miles after walking...


Park bom screamed...

TOP hurried and run as fast as he could to save bom. he quickly stand infront of her and the snake attacked the back of his shoulder releasing poison then when down back and back to the snakes destination.

TOP tried not to faint, to assure that BOM is safed. After he managed to say the sentence,, And see that bom is safe he fainted.

-Back to present

"TOP!!!!!!!!!" Bom cried..... 

BOM's Pov:

i must do something... i must do something..... Top hang in there....

Bom quickly think of a cure for Snakes Poison. She need a certain herbs from the forest, But firstly she drag top to a safer place. Lucky his house wasn't very far. Although she had a hard time carrying him and crying She managed to put him on his bed. She quickly changed to her safety suit. She ran to the forest to get the herbs,

Okay now focus on finding, 

H01 Herb,
Healing Cali Herb
And Chrysanthemum ......... All this are rare accept for Chrysanthemum... I MUST FIND IT!!!!!



"Alright we have reach the headquarters. Wakey wakey princess. ITS TIME TO MEET THE CO-CHIEF..!"

"Haa what... That's so long where are we?..."

"We are at Tongyeong.. We need to go and take a boat. So wake up now."

"Yes okay."

"Wake your pretty husband and HURRY UP !"

"We wait for you at that gate. We need to do some security check." The NSS Captains took the car keys with them so that they can't escape.

"Hyun su ... Hyun su (GD's Fake name for undercover) wake up..."

"Oh haa... Where are we...Whose Hyun----" CL slapped his mouth before he asked who is his own fake name

"Tongyeong.. We are Far from seoul... I feel something bad about this place.. We even have to take the boat.."

"Didn't they say 30mins just now?! Why are we at Tongyeong?! it is a very far place compared to Seoul... Seongnam..."

"I know.."

"Gimme the paper you printed. it is in your pocket right?"

"I don't have it with me!!"


"It's Okay, 0914." (0914 means Take a look of your surroundings. For short, Observe.)


The both take a look at tongyeong. It is part of Tongyeong, But it is all ruined and abandoned it is an unseen part of Tongyeong, How could an Official company take such a boat from such place to the headquarters? GD and CL felt uneasy. But even by that they are not afraid because they're still under Acting as an undercover spy for the White Paper mission which is in 2Days away.

"Okay listen. We still act normal and you CL act as NSS agent. I will act like i know nothing. I will become your panic husband . Understand?"


"If anything happened's i need you to press this so that i can track you using my sweater here."

"Woah. So hi-tec?!"

Sweater Tracker is made by TOP in emergency situations like this. GD thought that day was going to be quite unexpected. So GD gave CL the Tracking button. How GD is going to track, The Sweater will have a small screen at the pocket side in the inside. While the other side of the pocket side is a small projector. By the activation of the button CL give him, The projector will give a vibration so that GD knows CL needs him. That emergency Tracker will help him find CL.

"As usual, TOP created this. "

"Anything we cover each others back."


They than sat as if like nothing has happened and looked like someone who really doesn't have a clue why they were there. GD change to his panic expression. The NSS agents walk back to the car and Asked GD and CL to get out of the car and went to the boat.



I better hurry.

BOM ran thru the forest with the guidance of the moonlight and her small torch light. That night turned out to be quite cold at around 15 degree Celsius. Lucky for Bom she wore her Spy safety suit . 

BOM when up the hill and climb Tree's to search for cure. Her skills of climbing and swinging to the impossible hill, Park Bom was amazing. She did a somersault and dropped to the ground. Slowly walk to the end's of the hill because H01 Herb are usually at the end of a tall hill to her knowledge. She lay down,Tie a rope to her waist, Took the other hand with the hook and threw it to a very big tree to hold her on while she move down the hill. She turn down and shone the tiny light to the front and she saw H01 Herb. She smiled and pluck out the herb. She did a somersault up press the button and pulled her to the tree, Swing down back to the lower grass. She retrieved back her rope and kept the herb in a safe container and into her bag. 

Bom's pov:

Next... Healing Cali..... 

Bom walk with a happy face, and walk to some bushes where Healing Cali can be found. but to her shock, a huge wild dog appear infront of her eyes.. BOM panicked 

"Nice there, doggy........" Bom are really scared of wild things especially snakes. But she tried to calm down and take on the dog.

The dog barked loudly , with the face looking so angry and the saliva dropping all over as if it hasn't eat in days.

"Nice there little doggy......"

The dog is standing right infront of the Healing Cali bushes.. But Bom can't take it if the Dog is there wanting to attack her. Bom got a very smart idea.. She take on the dog and make it faint without attacking her, Bom took her injection gun and Shoot it to the dog. She aimed the target and in 3 2 1,
The dog vision blurred and slowly dropped to the ground. Bom smirked and hurried to take the Healing Cali and Quickly ran back to Top's house.
Bom's determination to go in the forest at night in such situation for Top. makes her proud of her self. But still won't forgive herself for hurting Top.

Bom's pov:

Okay, Back here.. TOP hang in there... *Bom brush his hair with her hands and teared a little* Okay now, crush the H01 and Healing Cali in one using hand.. Take water and ..... Wait a minute WHERE IS THE CHRYSANTHEMUM !!! 
*Bom search around the kitchen, there was no chrysanthemum flower... Bom when behind TOP's house yard.... She was relieved he have Chrysanthemum flowers grown there. * Pheww.. Okay now take 5 Chrysanthemum flowers and Boil it in hot water for 2 mins. Then add in the crushed H01 and Healing Cali. Make sure it becomes diluted after adding Vapor Gas and Healing Chemical. TADAAAA. Okay now i need to hurry. 

BOM looks at TOP... And said "Mianhe..." She have to open T.O.Ps Shirt to apply the cream to the poisoned area which is his shoulder. She open his shirt, Crinkled her eyes, to not wanting to see TOP's body and put the shirt away. Opened her eye's properly and blushed abit. Then She wiped the blood, and applied the Herb Cream to his shoulder.... After applying it, she wiped the parts that was over applied and put cloth on top and bandaged his shoulder while bandaging she so called hugged him abit in order to secure the bandage. Bom Blushed and Blushed.. Suddenly, TOP's Hand go around her waist and pull her down and hugged her for real... 


"Thank you.. Bommie..."

"eung.. you are awake..?"

"Shhhh....." Top sleep while hugging BOM, 

-Flashback while BOM is applying cream



What's this feeling of cream on my shoulder.. Oh yeah, i got bitten by a snake just now... This scent of perfume... Bommie........ 

Now she is so near me... As if she is hugging me.... *TOP hugged her and pull her down his chest..* The pain goes away.... When i hugged her..... Bommie.....

-Back to present

BOM rise up from his chest and Slapped his face.


"OUCH ?!!!" TOP sit up from lying down

"You stupid !! "

"Why did you slap me..."

"Why are you crying...."

"Don't do that anymore...... I don't want to loose you...."

"Don't cry, i'm here... I'm still alive.....Bommie, i will do anything to protect you even if it takes my life.."

"Babo......" Bom hugged him and he hugged back...

-Meanwhile at Tongyeong Boat On their way to NSS HQ

Time: 2300HRS
Venue: Tongyeong - NSS HQ

It was very dark at the boat. Even the moondlight wasn't enough ..


"Captain Myungsoo.."


"Why am i brought here too?"

"Who knows.. Stop panicking & Shut your mouth we are reaching soon, you'll know once we reached the HQ."

"Jiyeon Sshi, may i ask you something?"


"Do you know anything about Geonation?"

"Don't even speak of that Filthy Agency."

"And why is that?"

"Why do you need to know about Geonation anyway."

"During my SSA Blue level training, someone speak of Geonation in a bad way. I need to know why does NSS hate Geonation so much..."

"Kehh.. Geonation is the brother of NSS chief, Yang Jun Suk."

"Who is his brother?"

"Yang Hyun Suk. NSS and Geonation is like North Korea and South Korea."

"Ohmy, really?"

"Yeah.. Last time in 2008, geonation sent four of their Subordinates to spy on us and tried Killing NSS Chief during the attack of NSS and Geonation. But then the chief killed their subordinates their ownself for revealing secret to our chief and asked for help because they don't want to work at Black Paradise if they failed their mission."

"YA JIYEON. Don't tell them too much, They are only SSA Rank."


"What is Black Paradise?"

"Shut up, we are here."

CL signaled to GD to keep that information in their heads and found out that Geonation Chief, Yang Hyun Suk Killed his own subordinates during the attack of NSS and Geonation in 2008, Where B2NG is on Personal Mission, while the rest are on attack. But they still don't know who was killed. It might not Be Jihyo, According to CL Jihyo is a smart person, No way she'd get caught. Maybe that is the other members of BSF2 . 


They when down the boat and walk in to the BIG building in that Big island.
And there are so many guards around the island. CL and GD get kinda suspicious. then another Captain of NSS came to pick GD and CL up from the Two NSS agents Jiyeon and Myungsoo, The captains here are at a much more higher rank SSXGOLD (X GOLD is like a commander in military and Normal GOLD like in Geonation.)


"Follow me, Tiara.(CLS fake id name for NSS) I'm SSXGOLD Captain Sandara." 


"How do you know my name?"


"Kwon Hyun Su, We meet again."

"Officer L?"

"I'm not an Officer Actually, Im SSXGOLD Captain L."

"So you are the elder brother of SSSGOLD Captain Myungsoo? i'm confused."

"Shut up. Mr Kwon Hyun Su"

"Follow us."

The SSXGOLD Captains are bringing CL & GD to the Co-Chief Office, Chief Se7en. While waiting outside the room, Guess who came out from the door,
Captain Seungri, The Geonation Platinum Platoon. And smirked at the two, CL & GD. CL & GD thinks he might have retrieved something for their B2NG mission. SSXGOLD Captains then pushed them to the room and treated them quite badly as fellow NSS Agents to CL and To a Stranger like GD.

Chapter Wrap: Why does the NSS treat them Badly? Why do you think Seungri is there. Wasn't he on duty in Geonation? We will find out in the next chapter !

thank you

with love