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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 5 March 2013, 07:07
Secret Love Chapter "FIFTEEN"

"To: Yong Junhyung"

[Junhyung Orange, Anonymous yellow ]

"Jiyeon .... *knock knock*"

someone open and it was the Hotel Housekeeper.

"Hi is the girl staying in here in there?"

"Oh Miss Jiyeon, She left 2 Hours ago. i'm cleaning for Ms Hara to comeback."

"What?!! Did she leave any letter for Ms Hara?"

"Come in sir, since you are her friend . I have other rooms to do. sorry sir."

Junhyung quickly ran inside and searched up and down for the letter's,
He finally saw 

"To: Yong Junhyung"

Junhyung thought something bad was going to happen. All he think about was seperation and jiyeon not wanting to see him anymore. Most importantly he is scared that jiyeon wont love him anymore. And dont want to accept his love for jiyeon because of all the misunderstanding.
Junhyung slowly open that letter;

To : Yong Junhyung

I dont want to say anything much. Because you have proved that you loved Hyuna more than me. Thank you for all the happiness you've given me. And most probably... Sorry for liking you.. Thats all there is to it.

From: Park Jiyeon 

Junhyung didn't know what to do... Suddenly,



"Arehkk? Junhyung?? What are you doing here??"

Junhyung cried to hara's shoulder...
"Hara ya.... Nan eotteogheyo...."
"Waeyo oppa???"
Hara put junhyung on the bed and hold to his cheeks. Junhyung then passed the letter he received from jiyeon to hara.
"Jiyeonie left ?!"
Hara went to search for anymore letters , she found hers and yoseobs. They then call for yoseob to come.
Yoseobs pov:
Just 10minutes ago junhyung left. Where did he go?? Garrr im so exhausted.
(His phone ring)
"Yoseob ! Ppali come to my room. Junhyung is here too!!"

"Wheres jiyeon?!"

Hara replied in a serious voice

"Just hurry up."

Yoseob hung up the phone and ran to their room without washing up since it seems urgent.

Hara opened her letter

To: Goo Hara

"Unnie ah... Sorry i had to leave.... I will see you after a month. I will fallback from t-ara awhile...dont worry its only for awhile"

Love, Park Jiyeon

Hara was like

"This jiyeon? What is wrong ! Junhyungie what did you do without me around ?!!!"

"Ask yoseob..." Junhyung replied with such terrible voice putting more pressure to hara..

"Yaaa open up!!"

"Oh yoseobie !"

They let him in locked the door and hara ask yoseob to open up his letter

To: Yang yoyo

"Ya chingu... Dont find me. You should be with junhyung!!! Im fine .
Bro's before Hoes ? Btw Yoseob, thanks for all the effort you put for me. Im sorry i didnt pay much attention to you. But i want you to know. Yoseobie i really care for you . Wherever i go i know you are always here ... In my heart. Take care of my junhyung for me...
Oh aniyo. Take care of my chingu, Junhyung. "

Sincerely, Park Jiyeon.


Jiyeons dissaperance had made all the three of them depressed. They dont know what to do. Suddenly yoseob sounded so different

"YONG JUNHYUNG THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! Argh!!!!" Yoseob want to punch
him but he just pushed yoseob down and got out of the room.


Junhyung got out of the room and went to the sea of honolulu.

Junhyungs pov:

What have i done. Am i in the trap of hyuna again?? Aish.... I shouldnt have played Hyuna's Charade.. It made my relationship with jiyeon worst... No way jiyeon wants to be a girlfriend to a player like me.. But i need to explain to jiyeon that since hyuna came.. Its just an exploit to seperate me and you... I thought hyuna became wiser as a friend.. Unfortunately. I fell for her trap again... Firstly, becoming hyuna's boyfriend... secondly, forced myself to be with hara... but all along i have always been longing the times to be with you Jiyeon...Im such a weak guy. Im useless.....

Suddenly, Someone tapped his back.

"Yaaaa Yong Junhyung. It has been a long time."

Gdragon appeared with his husky high voice.


"OH SUNBAENIM!! You are here too...?"

"Why surprised? Anyways, why are you looking so depressed. Oh yeah i forgot,
yong junhyung is born with that expression.. Kekeke just kidding. You look deep today? Whats up?"


"Hmmm. Lemme read your mind.................... AHA ! Some girl must have dumped you?!!!"

"AHHHHHH?!! Eotteoghe araseo sunbaenim?!!"

"Hahahhaa i read the news about you and hara. Thats all."

"Aish not hara... Were fine...."

"Still together ?"


"Been dumped----"

"By a girl that misunderstood me as a player and left me here....."
"Arehkkkk??? Kekekekekekek" gd burst out of laughter!!!



"Hais, lets go i'll treat you some americano tea."

They took a limo to one of Hawaii's HIGH CLASS TEA CAFÈ named "DELICASIÈ"
They sat at the end and gd look at junhyung with his twink eye

"Junhyung. Arent you too gloomy? How serious is this bro?"

"She is fragile , yet i ..... Carelessly fell into other womans trap.."

"Come on man. Full story ."

Junhyung explained and Gd was taken aback by what junhyung just said.

"Park Jiyeon?????"


"She is a toughie.."



"Last time in middle school, i and her go to the same school. She was my
junior. But very popular. She is so pretty. Everyone in school wants her but 


she refused because to her Once she fell for a man, she knows her heart will break therefore every guy in middle got their hearts broken. Because she left that school and attend other school...........Park Jiyeon, Queen Of Ice, Cold. Because in year one of her middle school years, someone broke her heart. Thats how the story begins."

"Keh... You are pulling my leg sunbaenim."

"Fine! I will help you. To get that toughie."


"Oppa. Why did you charge junhyung liddat ???? He is in despair because jiyeon left him!!!"

"Hara...... Not only him! If jiyeon were to love me i wouldnt let her heart break just because of a small mistake !!! Argh!!!! "

"Seolma... You fell for Jiyeon too?"

Yoseob looked into hara's eye with a scary stare and left the room..

Hara's pov:

Why does jiyeon has so many guys that liked her... Why not me....... Junhyungie....... Why cant you love me.... I dont know why i felt happy when i know jiyeon left ... So that i could spend time with you junhyung.... I just cant stop loving you.... Everyone thought i accepted that you break off with me and become my brother.... But I DONT ... Because being near junhyung and seeing him loving someone else... It Effing hurts......
Hara's tear rolled down her cheeks while she grabbed her shirt on her chest and her other hand took her wallet and in it contains a past photo of her junhyung when they were together looking so sweet. Hara cried even more.

Chapter wrap: where is jiyeon. What will happen to Hara and yoseob. How will Gd help Junhyung! All this omat chapter 16.

thank you

with love