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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Tuesday 8 January 2013, 21:27
Secret Love Chapter "ONE"


Yoseobs POV:

Bright sun, end of spring.... As i opened my eyes, i realize summer is in 2 days! I thought to myself suddenly.... *why did i wake up at this time.......* I then topple down the bed realizing i was late for work!! Due to me and Junhyung ending late from our recording. I shall give Junhyung a text while i get ready for work!!

Junhyungs POV:

Junhyungs Alarm sound went off,
(Hyuna - Change)

"Omo, whaaaa....~" I wake up like this.... everyday.. *giving the everyday reaction face*
I then sit up, rubbed my eye and chill for a little bit. I slowly took my phone and unlock,
[13 miss calls from Yeoja Chingu]
[3 Text Messages from Yoseob]
[1 Katog miss call from ~~~~] (Katog is a fake application for smartphone similar to kakao. i made up)
"hmmmmm normal... wait.... Katog miss call?" i checked again ... i was taken aback by who actually katog me.... " Park Jiyeon?" i mumbled to myself..

Hara's POV:

Working until late in the morning, up till now practicing for KARA's Comeback. and not a single attention from Mr BuingBuing....What is he doing... i called but.. i had tried for 13 times.... He must have overworked again.... I should rest now..

Jiyeon's POV:

Coming back to Korea after promoting with fellow T-ara in japan. Home Sweet Home!! I should call junhyung and yoseob to inform them im back.. I called junhyung first using Katog. He did not pick up then while slipping in the phone in my pocket. My ringtone sounded.... [Yang Yoseob is calling~~~]

Authors POV:

Phone call from Yang Yoseob to Park Jiyeon
*blue YOSEOB
*Pink Jiyeon

"Ya Park Jiyeon ! Where are you?! Why didn't you tell me promotions end today?" Yoseob playing 
with Jiyeon...

"Mianhe! I forgot to call you, I'm in car on my way to the studio.." Jiyeon was shocked because she totally forgot about calling Yoseob 

"Ya lets meet up after work, I really miss you Park Jiyeon-Sshi!" Yoseob told with Aegyo tone .

"Araseo, OPPA." Jiyeon answered with Aegyo causing the driver to giggle. Yang Yoseob and Jiyeon also giggled as they put down the line.

Junhyungs POV:

I should call Hara before she gets worried. It has been a long time since I get to see her... We are both busy with our schedule.. Now I miss her so much... Sigh..

-minutes later-

16 miss calls, still not picking up? She must be exhausted... I should just drop her a text with her picture of me ! :')

"Yaaaa, I miss you ! Call me or drop me a text and a picture of you when you wake up. Love, Junhyung"


Jiyeon POV:

Looking at the time....after a long day at work. I face palmed myself. And mumbled "Yaaa, how can I forget to meet Yang Yoseob...." . And I quickly ran to change and rushed to the place where me and Yoseob usually hang out, The Underground. A lot of celebrities usually hang there, as none of the public knows, not even trainees of all entertainments. This brings back memories. *smiles*

                                                   -THE END OF CHAPTER 1-

Chapter wrap: How was the chapter guys? Do drop in some comments , At the top right hand corner of this page :) stay tune for chapter two . "JISEOB" A chapter full of EXCITEMENT . *3*
Thank you. 

thank you

with love