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Korean Pop Fanfiction;
All yours to read

Monday 21 January 2013, 21:46
Secret Love Chapter "NINE"


Heavy rain occured on Summer day 7.

-At Jiyeons House
Jiyeons pov:
Yesterday night i loose my only bestfriend, sunbaenim, sister....goo hara

-At Junhyungs house
Junhyung Pov:
Yesterday i loose my only girlfriend, my love. My sun and my moon.
Goo hara.... Because of a secret... My Secret feelings towards jiyeon... I shouldnt have..... Meet her.... But i dont know why.... I .. I .. I have feelings for jiyeon... Goo hara im very sorry.

-Hara's house
Hara kept crying and crying. No one was at her house because her family went overseas.

Haras pov:
Junhyung neo babo babo babo. Jiyeon neo babo babo...... *cries*
I lost both... Both of them....

Yoseobs pov:

I wonder where is park jiyeon.. I still wonder if the news was a rumour....*phone rings*

"Oh junhyung ah! Where are you?"

"*cries* seob ah... Meet me...*"

"Hyung ah! Wae??"

Yoseob quickly go to junhyungs house.

Yoseobs pov:
Open the door yong junhyung!!!!

Junhyung then open the door with his red face and eyes and a bottle of soju in his hands half empty.

[purple ys, orange jh]

"Omona hyung!!! Mwohaneungoya" (omg hyung what are you doing!)

"Ohh yoseob ah...cme and sit inside...."

"Are you okay?"

"Dont worry i'm not tipsy yet. I'm still consious ..."

"What happen??"

*junhyung got on his knees and put his head on yoseob's lap* "Yoseob i'm sorry i lied....yes the news is true but jiyeon accidently fall and i didnt want you to tell hara...."

"Hy... Hy.. Hyung.. You lie to me??"

"I'm sorry yoseob ah.......i didnt want hara to think of the news in a different way..i dont want to hurt her"

"But.. Why are you crying..?"

"I went to lotte world with jiyeon yesterday...   i locked hands w her. But i.."

"Junhyung ah! You have hara why go out with jiyeon?!!"

"NO ONE WAS FREE and I love Jiyeon..... I LOVE JIYEON!!!....... I treat hara only as a sister..... But last time... I didn't ask jiyeon to be my girlfriend .. Because Hara told me jiyeon had a boyfriend but actually hara liked me and she didn't want me to be with jiyeon...BUT I LOVED JIYEONNN"*junhyung broke down So bad*

Yoseobs pov:
*heart shatters in a million pieces*
Junhyung loved jiyeon......... But i can't say i loved jiyeon... Because jiyeon loved him too..

Yoseob put his hands around junhyung and to comfort his buddy he told junhyung the truth

"Jiyeon had loved you eversince trainee days yong junhyung ah. Then you broke her heart. Being with hara."

"Junhyung stop crying like a baby and GO heal jiyeons broken heart!!!!"

"She is more broken now..."

"What did you do to her?!"

"Hara... Haraaa.. Broke their friendship because of our breakup..."

"Hara Broke up with you?!"

"I didn't know hara was there... She saw the news and she saw me at lotte world... And.." *junhyung cried more*

"You dont love her right ? So why are you so depressed??"

"I slapped her... I felt just like slapping my blood sister.. I need to apologise......."

"I will try to talk things out with hara okay? You chill with jiyeon :)"

"Yoseob you are really the best buddy!!!" *junhyung hugged yoseob*

Then yoseob played with him to cheer him up "soooo are you going to make a song about this?!!"

"YA JUGOSIPEOYO?!" Junhyung said with a smile red face and eyes.

Yoseob stayed over on junhyungs crib.

Jiyeons pov:
I must apologise to hara... I did a bad thing.. *teary*

jiyeon decided to go over to Hara's house at night.

Jiyeons pov:

I wonder if she is okay... 

Jiyeon reached infront of Hara's house

"Goo Hara..... Goo hara...."

Hara's pov:

*Wipes tears*

I should check the window first, she sounds familiar though.
*opens the curtain of her window at her room* Park Jiyeon? what is she doing here ! it is raining.... PLUS my own bestfriend cheated on me *Thunder roar*
i should leave her there...

*After one hour of doing something else hara decide to look outside the window again.*

What?! she is still here?! what does she wants?! she annoys me... *Runs to her door and open it.

[Pink GH, LightBlue PJY]

"What do you want stealer?!"

"Hara ya.... I came to apologise..." Jiyeon hold hara's gate

"Do you think what you do is forgivable ?! You must be an angel." 

"I'm really sorry goo hara, i know i don't deserve this but i need my bestfriend i love my bestfriend ..... i would do anything for you goo hara...."

Goo hara smirked "Ha... The same thing as you would do for junhyung even if it means loosing her bestfriend? Jiyeonie ah.. You are that funny.."

"I will stop loving JUNHYUNG for you Hara... For you...."

"Too late. We broke up because of you." Goo hara slammed the door and left her in the rain.

Jiyeon cried and cried on her way home.

Jiyeons Pov:

Why..... Why do i always have to take that pain... I must stay away from Yong Junhyung... I can't bear becoming a stealer.. I would do anything to get goo hara back as my bestfriend...

Yoseobs Pov:

Park Jiyeon must be really hurt.. i guess i should go check on her since junhyung is fast asleep.

Yoseob walked out of junhyungs house and took the nearest path to Jiyeons house as he decides to walk at night. Jiyeon walks from Goo Hara's House and  has to pass the path near to Junhyungs house but she can't bear to even see his house she took the long way which is kind of scary but she didn't care.

Jiyeons Pov:

*Cries* I'm almost home... what a scary path to take. So dark and Cold... *cries*

suddenly someone grabbed Jiyeon from the back,

"AHHHHHHH" Jiyeon tried to screamed as that person put his hands on her mouth and put her on a bench

"Park Jiyeon! People would hear you! SHHHHH" 

"Yang YOSEOB?"

"YAAA Quiet !!! " 


"Yoseobbb ahhh....." Jiyeon cried and hugged him

Yoseob hugged her back and said

"Gwaenchanayo... i know everything.... Ggaja lets go drink hot chocolate okay?"


[Light Blue PJY, Purple YS]

"Jiyeon ah, You have me."


"It is okay i will talk things out with Hara tommorow okay, lets drink our hot chocolate?"


"Jiyeon ah, SMILE !!!!!" 

"ahh.. hmmm..."

Yoseob made funny face in order to make Jiyeon smile,

"Jiyeon ah if you don't Smile I WILL HAUNT YOU TONIGHT"

 [Purple YS, Light Blue Jiyeon]

"Yoseob ah... You are crazy" Jiyeon giggled

"Ya, You are more crazy" Yoseob pinched her cheeks

And the both of them spend the night together Eating and drinking Hot Chocolate. Although it is summer the night is still cold.

After Spending time together Yoseob sent Jiyeon home,

-At Jiyeons Gate

"Yoseob ah Gomawoyo..." Jiyeon Teared and hug Yoseob

"Oh Jiyeon ah Don't Cry, You are always welcome." Yoseob wiped here tears and hug her very tight

"Thank you for always being there for me!"

"Ne Jiyeonie i will always be there for you, Go inside and sleep, don't WALK ON SCARY PATH ANYMORE! It is a coincidence i was walking there ! ITS DANGEROUS YOU KNOW! DON'T Make me worry! Call me if you need anything! Don't Even think about walking on scary path anymore!!!!"

"Ne Jun.... Yoseob oppa."

"See You Tommorow Jiyeon!"


Chapter Wrap: Must be a sad episode but now Yoseob are taking the responsibilities of Junhyung And Jiyeon and Reconcile Hara with them although his heart was broken knowing Junhyung Loved Jiyeon and Jiyeon Loved him too. But Yoseob Acted BOLD. Next Chapter Talking to Hara. Would Junhyung go back to Hara ? Would Hara Become Bestfriends with Jiyeon back? Or Would Junhyung and Jiyeon go over to the next level? If So How a bout Yoseobs feelings? All this will be on CHAPTER 10

thank you

with love